$gopilot.exe --cfg configs/my-config-file.yml GoPilot is running. Now what? The gopilot executable starts a local web server which you can connect to with a browser. VFR Map: http://localhost:8888 or http://whatever-your-ip-address-may-be:8888 ...
13 changes: 3 additions & 10 deletions 13 MSFS2020_AutoFPS/MSFS2020_AutoFPS.config Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -30,22 +30,15 @@ <add key="olodPairs4" value="0:200|1000:150|2000:100|3000:50" /> <add key="tlodPairs5" value="0:100|1500:150...
Posted July 18, 2020 Last time I simmed was probably 5-6 years ago, on FSX. I just lost interest, finding myself spending more time tinkering with the config file to minimize stutters based on some obscure forum post than actually flying. On the 18th, I'll be back 🙂 Ran...
If it is a native MSFS app, you only have to get the config files right on server and client. If it is a legacy/FSX app, you will have to install the FSX SimConnect client on the remote computer that belongs to the FSX version that this app has been compiled for. Only the ...
denis lancelinThu, 03 Dec 2020 13:04:31 GMT After decompression, 6.2 GB of data! Unfortunately, this scenery disturbed my MSFS, even on my powerful config. Low FPS, flying textures, aircraft instability, photogrammetry issues. After the uninstallation, all issues were resolved. Claude Lambiel...
A fun and reasonably well-detailed rendition of Nice, France developed by Thalixte for the Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release. Country France Download hits 2.5K Compatibility Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 Release Filename msfs-nice.zip File size 1.48 GB Virus Scan Scanned...
those parameter are not avail in this C172 Config.[FLTSIM.0] title = "Cessna Skyhawk G1000 Asobo Munster-EPCW" ; Variation name model = "MAIN"; model folder panel = "TPC" ; panel folder sound = "" ; sound folder texture = "TPC" ; texture folder ...
Now with msfs and 737 ng3 I installed mobiflight 9.4, FSUIPC 7 and I uploaded my old pmdg 737ngx arduino config in the new mobiflight. My problem is: when I open the msfs and start a flight in msfs, I see that the mobiflight conect with MSFS with the FSUIPC, it recognizes the...
it then worked. Lights Nodes in the System Config do this also. You cannot have a space in the name or the game causes the name not to be fully read by the sim. If you close it, use an underscore, set that into the XML file as well as the part name, and make the entry for ...
how's this for an idea while you're waiting? :)[ATTACH=CONFIG]221927[/ATTACH] Regards Steve That made me smile, Steve. I have now called it a day for this evening, couldn't budge that big file - will try again tomorrow. Vern....