MSDS Name:Calcium Chloride Material Safety Data Sheet Synonym:Calpus; Caltac; Dowflake; Liquidow; Peladow; Snowmelt; Superflake Anhydrous Section 2 - COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS CAS# Chemical Name content EINECS# 10043-52-4 Calcium chloride (cacl2) ...
Material Safety Data Sheet Calcium chloride Section 1 - Chem ical Product and Com pany I dentification MSDS Nam e: Calcium chloride Cat alog Nu m bers: AC21 91 70000, AC21 91 7001 0, AC21 91 70025, AC21 91 70250, AC21 91 75000, AC2971 50000, AC2971 50250, AC2971 55000, AC300380000...
常用名无水氯化钙英文名Calcium chloride CAS号10043-52-4分子量110.984 密度1.086 g/mL at 20 °C沸点1600 °C 分子式CaCl2熔点772 °C(lit.) MSDS中文版美版闪点>1600°C 符号 GHS07信号词Warning 无水氯化钙用途 用途一:用作冷冻剂,也用于食品加工、制药等 ...
THIS MSDS IS USED FOR TECHNICAL/EDUCATIONAL REFERENCE ONLY WITHOUT COMMERCIAL INITIATIVE. PATENT FOR ANY PART /WHOLE OF THE ARTICLE BELONG TO THE OWNER. Material Safety Data Sheet Calcium Chloride, Dihydrous, 74-77%, Flake ACC# 95782 Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification MSDS ...
英文名 calcium chloride hydrate 中文别名 氯化钙 英文别名 更多 水合氯化钙物理化学性质 密度 2.15g/mLat 25°C (lit.) 沸点 100ºC at 760mmHg 分子式 CaCl2H2O 分子量 128.99900 精确质量 127.91100 PSA 9.23000 LogP 1.31470 外观性状 白色粉末 蒸汽压 24.5mmHg at 25°C 储存条件 2-8...
sodium chloride and calcium chloride,then dilute with water followed by discharging into wastewater system。 Disposal cautio: Not applicable Section 14 Traport Information Chinese hazardous good No.:81013 UN No.:1789 Packaging mark:Chinese hazardous good classification acidic ...
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Calcium oxide is caustic to living tissue. Overexposure may cause irritation of the eyes, skin, and upper respiratory tract Inflammation of the respiratory tract, ulceration and perforation of the nasal septum, bronchitis and pneumonia have also bee attributed to inhalation of calcium oxide dust. ...
MaterialSafetyDataSheet (HydrochloricAcid) Section1ChemicalsandCorporationIdentify Chinesenameofchemicals:Yansuan Commonnameortradenameofchemicals:None Englishnameofchemicals:HydrochloricAcid Section2ComponentInformationPurechemicals√Mixture Nameofchemicals:HydrochloricAcidNoxious...
盐酸MSDS英文版 Material Safety Data Sheet (Hydrochloric Acid)Section 1 Chemicals and Corporation Identify Chinese name of chemicals: Yansuan Common name or trade name of chemicals: None English name of chemicals: Hydrochloric Acid Section 2 Component Information Pure chemicals √ Mixture Name of ...