Iron nitrate Iron trinitrate Nitric acid,iron(3+) salt EINECS 233-899-5 UNII-N8H8402XOB Iron(III) nitrate,anhydrous Iron nitrate (Fe(NO3)3) MFCD00011003 硝酸铁物理化学性质 [ 密度 ]:1.684 [ 沸点 ]:83ºC at 760 mmHg [ 熔点 ]:47.2ºC [ 分子式 ]:FeN3O9 [ ...
2、 摩尔体积(m3/mol):186.0 3、 等张比容(90.2K):418.0 4、 表面张力(dyne/cm):25.4 5、 极化率(10-24cm3):18.76 计算化学 1.疏水参数计算参考值(XlogP):无 2.氢键供体数量:1 3.氢键受体数量:4 4.可旋转化学键数量:6 5.互变异构体数量:无 6.拓扑分子极性表面积53.7 7.重原子数量:11 8.表面电...
密度4.85 g/mL at 25ºC(lit.)沸点decomposes to Cr2O3℃ [KIR78] 分子式CrO2熔点>375ºC (dec.)(lit.) MSDS中文版美版闪点N/A 符号 GHS07信号词Warning 二氧化铬用途 主要用于录音磁带、留声机唱片、记忆装置及永久磁铁的生产。还用作催化剂。
m for a sticky substance and denotes lime’s traditional use to produce mortar. Calx was the Latin word for lime and was used to name the element calcium.颜色:白色无定形粉末,含有杂质时呈灰色或淡黄色,具有吸湿性。[1]腐蚀性:Corrosive分解:Decomposition product: calcium hydroxide.气味:OdorlesspH...
每mL 0.1mol/L高氯酸相当于L-酪氨酸(C9H11NO3)18.12mg。危险类别码:R36/37/38安全说明编码 :S26;S36鉴别试验:取0.1%试样液5ml,加水合茚三酮试液(TS-250)1ml后共热,应出现红紫色。危险品运输编号:NONH for all modes of transport危险性防范说明:P261-P305 + P351 + P338WGK Germany:3RTECS号:YP...
For publisher information, see AVPCAQ. Volume(issue)/page/year: 4,263,1966 *** NIOSH STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT AND SURVEILLANCE DATA *** NIOSH OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE SURVEY DATA : NOES - National Occupational Exposure Survey (1983) NOES Hazard Code - X4149 No. of Facilities: 399 (estimated) No...
Disposable electrochemical flow cells for catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetry (CAdSV) at a bismuth film electrode (BiFE). Anal. Bioanal. Chem 391(4) , 1283-92, (2008) Catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetry (CAdSV) has been demonstrated at a bismuth film electrode (BiFE) in an inject...
Disposable electrochemical flow cells for catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetry (CAdSV) at a bismuth film electrode (BiFE). Anal. Bioanal. Chem 391(4) , 1283-92, (2008) Catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetry (CAdSV) has been demonstrated at a bismuth film electrode (BiFE) in an inject...
Disposable electrochemical flow cells for catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetry (CAdSV) at a bismuth film electrode (BiFE). Anal. Bioanal. Chem 391(4) , 1283-92, (2008) Catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetry (CAdSV) has been demonstrated at a bismuth film electrode (BiFE) in an inject...
气味:Odorless pH值:Aqueous solutions of zinc chloride are acidic (pH = 1.0 for 6 M) 物理属性: 氯化锌(7646-85-7)的性状: 白色粉末或颗粒。 无味。极易潮解。 1g该品溶于2%盐酸0.25mL、1.3mL乙醇、2mL甘油,极易溶于水(25℃,432g/100g;100℃,614g/100g),易溶于丙酮。 其水溶液呈酸性,pH值约...