呼吸系统防护:一般不需要特殊防护,但建议特殊情况下,佩戴自吸过滤式防毒面具。 眼睛防护:一般不需要特殊防护,高浓度接触时可戴安全防护眼镜。 手防护:戴一般作业防护手套。 其他:工作现场严禁吸烟。避免长期反复接触。进入罐、限制性空间或其他高浓度区作业,须有人监护。 泄漏处理 迅速撤离泄漏污染区人员至上风处,并进...
1.对金属略有腐蚀性,有水存在时,分解出腐蚀性强的氯化氢,光照可加速这一分解。对久贮或回收的1,2,3-三氯丙烷在使用前要检查其酸度。热解或燃烧时产生有毒气体,故应防止与赤热的物体接触。 2.与固体氢氧化钾一起加热时,脱去氯化氢,反应的主要产物为1,3-二氯丙烯和少量的2,3-二氯丙烯。与水或碳酸氢钠水...
Hazardous Combustion and If involved in a fire this material may emit toxic fumes of chlorine gas. Decomposion Products: Unusual Fire or Explosion Hazards: No unusual fire or explosion hazards. SECTION 6: Accidental Release Measures To avoid raising dust, small spills may be mixed with diatomaceou...
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次氯酸钙英文 MSDS CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE 天津市鑫泽精细化工有限责任公司 Tianjin Xinze Fine Chemical Co., Ltd Safety (MSDS) data Calcium Hypochlorite 1,Product Identification Synonyms : Hypochlorous Acid ,Calcium Salt ; Losantin ; Calcium Hypo chloride.Chlorinated Lime CAS No.:7778-54-3 Molecular Weight...
Odor:chlorine—like pH:Not available. Vapor Pressure:14 mm Hg Vapor Density:2.60 Evaporation Rate:〉1(ether=1) Viscosity:Not available. Boiling Point:Decomposes. Freezing/Melting Point:32 deg F Autoignition Temperature:Not applicable。 Flash Point:Not applicable。 Decomposition Temperature:Not available...
protectivegear.Contactwithmetalsmayevolveflammablehydrogengas。 Containersmayexplodewhenheated。 ExtinguishingMedia:DoNOTgetwaterinsidecontainers。Forsmallfires,use drychemical,carbondioxide,orwaterspray。Forlargefires,usedrychemical, carbondioxide,alcohol—resistantfoam,orwaterspray.Coolcontainerswith ...
表 1-016 氯 中文名:氯;氯气 英文名: chlorine 标 识 分子式: CI2 分子量: 70.91 CAS 号: 7782-50 -5 危规号: 23002 性状: 黄绿色有刺激性气味的气体。 理 溶解性:易溶于水、碱液。 化 熔点(℃):- 101 沸点(℃):- 34.5 相对密度(水= 1):1.47 性 临界温度(℃):144 临界压力( MPa ):...
(473 deg F) at 1013 hPa化学性质:Sodium dichloroisocyanurate is white crystalline powder and has a strong smell of chlorine gas, containing available chlorine 60% to 64.5%. It has a stable property, and when stored in high temperature and humid areas, the reduction of available chlorine is ...
should not be used for seed dressing or other application methods which need directly contact with seed. We had better not use ammonium chloride as fertilizers for tobacco, potatoes, grapes, citrus, tea trees and other "avoid chlorine crops"; if not, we can limit its use only in the region...