New in Your Subscription Depending on your MSDN Subscription, you will have the following products to look forward to in the coming months. The information below is provisional and subject to change without notice. For products that have already shipped, see:2006 ...
The number of courses available depends on the MSDN subscription level (see table below for specifics). Topics include: Visual Studio and ALM, architecture, Azure, desktop development, IoT & cloud, languages, SharePoint, and web development—basically, if you are a Microsoft developer, we have...
MSDN subscription access Dev centers Events APIs and reference Visual Studio Online Sign up for the MSDN Newsletter //build/ 2015中国行免费报名 没机会去美国旧金山参加 //build/?6月3日上海,6月5日北京,//build/ 2015中国行开放免费报名,不留遗憾! 智胜云端之探究大数据 5月11日北京站 | 5...
E-mail Address: << E-mail Address >> Benefit Access Number: <<Subscription ID>> 8.阅读并确认您已经完全理解了相关的使用声明,然后选择“我接受”选项,并点击“确认”按钮。 9.“注册信息确认”页面向您反馈重要的注册信息,请在确认无误后点击“确认”按钮即可。 返回...
Hello, does anyone know where I can download Visual Studio 2010 with my MSDN subscription? I have 2012 installed but I also need 2010 for a specific project and can't seem to find it. thank you for any help. Colin All replies (2) ...
属于Java、iOS、MacOS 开发人员,且创建不要求 Visual Studio IDE 的优质 Web、云和 Windows 应用程序 属于需要方便、经济高效和全面地访问 Microsoft 软件和服务来设置开发和测试环境的 IT 专业人员 处于审核、访问和参与应用程序开发进程的业务操作角色 那么,是的! 你需要 MSDN 平台。MSDN 平台仅通过 Microsoft 批量...
My subscription is called: MSDN VL Subscriber Download Visual Studio w/MSDN Premium Downloads and Product Keys That doesn't seem to sync up with the typical MSDN subscription levels. How would I go about getting access to the Developer Edition bits with the above subscription...
微软Visual Studio标准订阅(MSDN订阅)管理指南说明书 FEBRUARY 2016 Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center Managing Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
通过免费访问行业领先的 AI 服务、OpenAI 额度、专家指导以及通过 Microsoft for Startups 创始人中心建立初创公司所需的基本技术,从根本上加速创新。 学生中心 学习技术技能,为未来做好准备。 查找培训、虚拟活动以及与 Microsoft 学生开发人员社区建立联系的机会。
Enterprise Ready The features teams want, with the scale, reliability, and manageability enterprises need. Testing Tools Accelerate high quality software delivery with load testing, continuous testing and more. Cloud based load testing Performance test your code with hundreds of thousands of users using...