A single MSD300 supports resolutions up to 1920×1200@60Hz. It communicates with the computer via USB port and is very convenient to use.The MSD300 can be used for rental and fixed applications, such as live events, monitoring centers and various sports centers. Feature 1. 1 × ...
Specifications: Tube Chip Color: Full Color Display Function: Video Pixels: Any Compatibility: NovaStar LED Displays Upgrade: MSD300-1 (Upgraded Version of MSD300) Performance: Enhanced Synchronization and Video Quality Features: **Advanced Synchronization and Video Quality** The Best Price NovaStar Fu...
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MSD300-1 Brand Name SUYEN LED Description Report Item Specifications: Tube Chip Color: Full Color Display Function: Video Pixels: Any Compatibility: NovaStar LED Displays Upgrade: MSD300-1 (Upgraded Version of MSD300) Performance: Enhanced Synchronization and Video Quality Features: **Advanced Synchro...
ประเภท: บอร์ดส่ง Novastar MSD300-1 การเชื่อมต่อ: DVI, USB, LAN Ports ความละเอียด: รองรับ 1280×1024, 1024×1200, 1600×848, 1920×712, 2048×668 การควบ...
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Nova MSD300-1 Nova MSD300-1 led control cardMore features:1. Completely Compatible with the Seventh Generation Control SystemThe eighth generation is developed based on the seventh. Compared with the seventh, the eighth has all the functions of the seventh. Moreover, the eighth is more function...
商品名称:MRV330Q接收卡328卡210-4MSD300-1发送336LED大屏X65MRV31 DH436 商品编号:10106557896980 店铺: 京鹏炽标签包装专营店 货号:100615724644559 操控方式:其他 类型:其他 安装方式:其他 类别:其他 光源类型:其他 适用场景:院校机构 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台...
Nova MRV208-1 Receiving Card working with Nova MSD300-1 sending card Control system usinf for Led Display ScreenUSD 14.00/piece P3 Indoor SMD2121 64x32 dots full color LED Display Module 1 / 16 Scan 192x96mmUSD 8.50/piece LED Power Supply Muen-SP-200-5 200W DC 5v 5v40a LED display...