A pneumonia classification model based on multi-scale directional feature enhancement MSD-Net is proposed in this paper. The main innovations are as follows: Firstly, the Multi-scale Residual Feature Extraction Module (MRFEM) is designed to effectively extract multi-scale featu...
We proposed a multi-scale discriminative network (MSD-Net) for multi-class segmentation of COVID-19 lung infection on CT. In the MSD-Net, we proposed pyramid convolution block (PCB), channel attention block (CAB) and residual refinement block (RRB). The PCB can increase the receptive field...
10.实体框架集 11.注解 12.过滤器 13.安全 14.性能 十、跨平台 1..NET Core 2.Xamarin 空文件 马建仓 AI 助手 尝试更多 代码解读 代码找茬 代码优化 1 https://gitee.com/zzk2016/MSD.git git@gitee.com:zzk2016/MSD.git zzk2016 MSD MSD master...
链接 MSD网站 MSD is een vooraanstaand, wereldwijd farmaceutisch bedrijf dat zich toelegt op het ontwikkelen, produceren en op de markt brengen van innovatieve geneesmiddelen en vaccins voor zowel mensen als dieren. Bij MSD streven we ernaar om een stimulerende en inclusieve werkomgeving te...
A lightweight, good expandability android library used for showing diffent load page when you do net job .(加载反馈页管理框架) - msdgwzhy6/LoadSir
康冠智能网络NETFLIX 4K电视MSD6886 ISDB平台嵌入式软件是由深圳市康冠智能科技有限公司著作的软件著作,该软件著作登记号为:2019SR1222320,属于分类,想要查询更多关于康冠智能网络NETFLIX 4K电视MSD6886 ISDB平台嵌入式软件著作的著作权信息就到天眼查官网!
Program for IP TV streaming on the network via HTTP - msd_lite/src/src/core_io_net.c at 167c1278dc73bf254bdd032cc2f1bf287d229f68 · rozhuk-im/msd_lite
【首款!小分子药物「贝组替凡」获欧盟批准两项适应症】2月18日,默沙东(MSD)公司宣布,欧盟委员会已有条件批准其口服低氧诱导因子2α(HIF-2α)抑制剂贝组替凡(Welireg,belzutifan)上市,作为单药治疗下列适应症:von Hippel-Lindau(VHL)病成人患者,他们携带不适合手术,需要治疗的局部肾细胞癌(RCC)、中枢神经系统...