4. Wash and Read: Wash the plate 3 times with 300 µL/well of PBS-T. Add 150 µL of 2X Read Buffer T to each well of the MSD plate. Analyze the plate on the SECTOR Imager. No incubation in read buffer is required before reading the plate. Analysis of Results Notes Shaking ...
MSD 384-well plates (Meso Scale Discovery) were coated overnight at 4°C with 10 μL of coating antibody in a carbonate-bicarbonate coating buffer (15 mM Na2CO3/35 mM NaHCO3, pH 9.6) per well. Plates were then washed three times with 35 μL of wash buffer (0.2% Tween-20 in PBS) ...
After washing three times with wash buffer, 35 μL of read buffer T with surfactant (Meso Scale Discovery) was added to each well and the plate was imaged on a Sector Imager 6000 (Meso Scale Discovery) according to manufacturers’ instructions. The following antibody combinations were used: 4...
Maryland, US) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. In brief, 250 μl plasma (10–50 μl for each of the five plates) was diluted as recommended in buffer and 25 μl applied to the bottom of each well in d...
(4.47 mL, pH 7.4) wash buffer and 25 μL added per well for 1 h at room temperature. Plates were washed three times using 200 μL of Tris pH 7.4 wash buffer between all steps. Final detection reaction was initiated by the addition of 150 μL of MSD read buffer T after which ...
0 10 Freescale Semiconductor FATFS API 3.1.4 f_read() This function reads data from a file. Synopsis FRESULT f_read( FIL* FileObject, void* Buffer, UINT ByteToRead, UINT* ByteRead) Parameters FileObject [IN] — Pointer to the open file object Buffer [OUT] — Pointer to the buffer ...
times with wash buffer, 35 μL of read buffer T with surfactant (Meso Scale Discovery) was added to each well and the plate was imaged on a Sector Imager 6000 (Meso Scale Discovery) according to manufacturers’...
(4.47 mL, pH 7.4) wash buffer and 25 μL added per well for 1 h at room temperature. Plates were washed three times using 200 μL of Tris pH 7.4 wash buffer between all steps. Final detection reaction was initiated by the addition of 150 μL of MSD read buffer T after which ...
times with wash buffer, 35 μL of read buffer T with surfactant (Meso Scale Discovery) was added to each well and the plate was imaged on a Sector Imager 6000 (Meso Scale Discovery) according to manufacturers’ instructions. The following antibody combinations were used: 4 μg/mL pAb147 (...
The plate was washed 3x with PBS + 0.05% Tween-20 buffer. 150 μL/well of 1x read buffer was added and the plate was read immediately. Since each of the experimental plates had positive (MG-132) and negative (DMSO) controls replicated in 6 separate wells, we calculated ...