Demonstrates a basic specular BRDF implementation with solid materials and fixed light sources on a grid of objects with varying material parameters, demonstrating how metallic reflectance and surface roughness affect the appearance of pbr lit objects. 02 - PBR image based lighting Adds image based lig...
New grid system plugin New alipay plugin New location plugin New push notification plugin New social share plugin New splash plugin Bug fix 0.4.0 Refactory the directory structure, divided into four parts, applicaton, service, system and vendor. New XML template technology, perfect support for CS...
A workflows assistant which can be carried along all systems in the workflow. This cloud based application with continuous workflow updates predicts the best workflow based on given system configuration and sample/grid type. And based on process results (operator observations), the application provides...
<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>appcompat-v7</artifactId> <version>21.0.3</version> <type>aar</type> </dependency> with versions 18. For the v7 gridlayout library additional dependencies (apklib & jar) are required (Deprecated) <dependency> <groupId>android....