百科释义 msconfig即系统配置实用程序,是Microsoft System Configuration的缩写。是在开始菜单里运行中输入然后确认就可以找到程序开启或者禁用,可以帮助电脑禁止不需要运行的程序,这样可以加快你的电脑运行。
MSConfig, or Microsoft System Configuration Utility, is a utility to troubleshoot the Windows startup process. It is bundled with all Microsoft Windows operating systems since Windows 98 except Windows 2000. Windows 95 and Windows 2000 users can download the utility as well, although it was not ...
In addition to managing startup programs, msconfig provides access to various other system configuration settings. You can use msconfig to configure boot options, set the number of processors used during startup, adjust the maximum memory usage, and enable or disable specific services. It's a han...
英[mskən'fɪɡ] 美[mskən'fɪɡ] 是什么意思 n. 微机启动项; 英英释义 MSConfig MSConfig (officially called System Configuration in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 or Microsoft System Configuration Utility in previous operating systems) is a system utility to troubleshoot the Micr...
实用程序(Microsoft System Configuration Utility) 用户正在搜索 extortionary,extortionate,extortioner,extortionist,extortive,extortor,extra,extra-,extra dividend,extra time, 相似单词 MSCD,MSCDEX,MSCE,MSCI,MSCOMM,Msconfig,MSCP,MSD,MSDE,MSDEV, 用户正在搜索 ...
Symptoms You can select theNormal startup,Diagnostic startup, orSelective startupoption in the System Configuration Utility tool (Msconfig.exe). If you select theNormal startupoption, the option may change to theSelective startupoption when you restart your computer....
1. Click Start, type msconfig, and then press Enter. The System Configuration tool opens. 2. Click the Tools tab. 3. Click Disable UAC and then click Launch. A command window appears, and shortly thereafter, a notification bubble appears informing you that UAC is disabled. Restart your comp...
router.exe > router software that runs either on a dedicated dos or on an os /2 system. route软件在 dos或者是os/2系统 rsh.exe > runs commands on remote hosts running the rsh service 在运行 rsh 服 务的远程计算机上运行命令 rsm.exe > mounts and configures remote system media 配置远程系统...
k%windir%\system32\ipconfig.exe/all" HELP="IPCONFIGisacommandlinetoolusedtocontrolnetwork connectionsonWindows-basedcomputers"/> 这时再次运行“msconfig”,切换到“工具”标签, 你会看到列表中多出了一项名为“InternetProtocol Configuration”(Internet协议配置)的设置项,选中后点击 ...
Open Run Prompt (Win+R), and typemsconfig. and press the Enter key. It will launch the System Configuration utility. It will display five tabs: General: Allows you to boot Windows in diagnostic or selective mode when necessary Boot: Manage everything related to Windows boot, including Safe ...