按照船舶提供的船期表 Vessel Name / Code Voyage number No25 Msc Bridgeport (SB8), 航次 No25 Zim US Gulf South China Xpress (ZGX) Request a quote Book Marine Route SB8 航线代码 9243409 Lloyd's No. Portugal Country 2003 Built In CQRK Call Sign Port XIAMEN (FJ) 抵达 07-11月-24 08...
Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. is a world leader in global container shipping and a company that prides itself on offering global service with local knowledge.
MSC Japan Vessel Movement and Exchange rate横浜港 YOKOHAMA << WEEK -1WEEK 0WEEK +1 >> Last Update:03/04 04:35 02/24(MON) 02/25(TUE) 02/26(WED) 02/27(THU) 02/28(FRI) 03/01(SAT) 03/02(SUN) VANTAGE2505E/2505E18:30-25/16:55AZTEC MSC SHAULAHI509A/HI509A07:15-26/02:...
LJan 30 - 2025Feb 13 - 2025Feb 27 - 2025in the week of Average Delay The average delay forMSCvessels as measured by comparing each vessel’s actual arrival time to its schedule +4 Average Delay[as onFeb 28 - 2025] No. of days delayed by ...
在 Schedule 页面中,选择中间的"Vessel"; 5. 输入需要查询的船名; 6. 点击船名旁出现的"信息"符号,在弹出的信息框中,就会提供该船名的 Built,Flag 和 IMO number. Sensitivity: Internal Page 3 of 37 MSC Daily Operation FAQ / 日常操作常见问题与解答 Page 4 of 37 How to check TS port and Transit...
:提箱提箱、、进港进港、、报关报关、、放行放行、、发送海关舱单 1. The above schedule is for reference only and subject to change with/without prior notice.以上船期仅供参考, 如有更正请以最新船期为准以上船期仅供参考, 如有更正请以最新船期为准。。VESSEL NAME 内部航次Ningbo 外部航次 ...
VESSELNAMEVOYNO Ningbo 1217R4/244/255/215/245/26 1.Theabovescheduleisforreferenceonlyandsubjecttochangewith/withoutpriornotice. , MEDITERRANEANSHIPPINGCOMPANY(SHANGHAI)LIMITED.NINGBOBRANCH Suite01,29th/F.,PortmanTower,No.48CaiHongRoad(N),Ningbo,China ...
(86-574) 87051598MSC 欧洲航线船期表MSC Silk Service Shipping Schedule August.,2009Date of update: 15-Jul-09Ningbo Hongkong Singapore Valencia Felixstowe Rotterdam AntwerpETA ETD ETA ETA ETA ETA ETA ETAMSC Francesca地中海 弗朗西斯卡 S933R 8/6 8/7 8/10 8/15 9/1 9/5 9/7 9/9VESSEL NAME...
VESSEL NAME 内部航次 内部航次 内部航次 内部航次 Ningbo 外部航次 外部航次 外部航次 外部航次 MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY (SHANGHAI) LIMITED. NINGBO BRANCH Suite 01, 29th/F., PortmanTower, No.48 CaiHong Road (N), Ningbo, China Tel: (86-574) 87972888 (General) Fax: (86-574) 87051598 ...
The newest MSC Cruises ship is typically also the MSC Cruises ship with the most up-to-date cabins, restaurants, bars and attractions. Book it if you want the vessel with the most bells and whistles for your MSC Cruises vacation.