1️⃣ 首先,注册成为MSC会员。 2️⃣ 登录账号后,使用浏览器搜索“MSC Status Match”,找到Anmeldeformular并按照要求填写(见图2)。MSC提供了多种会员体系选择进行匹配,包括其他游轮/邮轮公司、各大酒店集团和航空公司,还有飞猪(Fliggy)和xie程(C-Trip)。我使用的是Hilton钻石卡,提供了包含本人姓名、会员卡...
订完邮轮后才开始做攻略,意外发现MSC地中海邮轮公司的贵宾会员可以通过某些航空公司或酒店的贵宾会员直接申请高级别的会员卡,无需从零开始积累。这个项目叫作status match。以下是申请步骤: 在MSC官网注册成为会员 📝 以会员身份登录,进入manage booking—msc voyagers club—status match 📱 填写个人信息和地址 📍...
1 The MSC Status Match Program in Detail 2 What is the MSC Status Match Scheme? 3 What is the MSC Voyagers Club? 4 What is the MSC Voyagers Club? 5 What you will need for MSC Status Match 6 How to sign up 7 Which Cruise Line Loyalty Programs are eligible for Staus Match? 8...
搜索”MSC地中海邮轮“,点击服务里的”入会享好礼“,即可进入会籍匹配页面。填写你的个人资料以及上传用来进行会籍匹配的材料即可。方法二:MSC官网进行申请 在MSC的官网上的Status Match页面里填写相关信息,并递交申请即可。MSC钻卡待遇 直接上他们官网自己的待遇列表,你们慢慢看。钻卡保级 我查了一下,MSC的会籍...
如果你已经是其他公司的会员,比如雅高会员、国航知音卡会员或凯宾斯基会员,你可以通过MSC的Status Match直接升级到MSC的会员卡。MSC的会员卡分为四个等级:经典(Classic)、银卡(Silver)、金卡(Gold)和钻石(Diamond)。其中,钻石卡是最高等级,除了包含其他等级的所有优惠外,还有许多专属特权。只要船上有一人持有钻石卡,房...
客人如尚未加入地中海航海家俱乐部,但持有其他主流旅行奖励计划积分卡,则可通过MSC Status Match计划,加入地中海航海家俱乐部,享受同等或更高级别礼遇。关于地中海航海家俱乐部或MSC Status Match计划的更多信息,请访问:https://www.msccruises.co.uk/en-gb/MSC-Voyagers-Club/MSCCruises-Status-Match.aspx...
https://www.msccruisesusa.com/manage-booking/msc-voyagers-club/status-match 2.2. 匹配信息 在匹配网页,填入自己的信息,以及自己已经有的别家邮轮公司或者酒店常旅客计划的信息,就可以申请匹配了。如果想使用航空公司会员匹配,从匹配网页的下拉框看上去只有中国的国航东航南航可以,其他航空公司会员都不...
All members who book any MSC holiday at sea 12 months prior to departure receive double reward points. Members of loyalty programs run by other cruise companies, hotels, and tour operators can transfer to the MSC Voyages Club with an MSC Status Match available through travel agents/online at ...
MSC Cruises Best: Status Matching One great thing that they do is they status match and I think they’re the only line that does it. So, as I have the top tier (Diamond status) on Cunard, they matched that and I became their highest loyalty level and got all the perks that went wi...
The MSC loyalty club is one of the most attractive on the market - not only for the benefits of being a member but also because of their Status Match programme. Once you have joined MSC Voyager's Club you can get a 5% discount off the cruise element price for any future bookings. Plus...