【专业解读】Risk and disaster reduction, particularly within the contexts of dealing with uncertainty and increasing resilience, are high on local, national and international agendas. Academic study can underpin much needed professionalisation and application of evidence and research-based theory to this a...
【捷报】 早上又收到两个UCL MSc Risk Disaster and Resilience的Offer,UCL果然是养鱼大户! 目前为止,斑马博士已为5名小客户获得了这个专业的Offer! 大家别觉得这个专业是啥冷门保底专业,xhs跟weibo可以搜下,拒信满天飞,天下都是UCL的鱼塘,且这个专业新出的management pathway,是商科学生的好去处,因为他们从disaster...
【录取背景】UCL Risk, Disaster and Resilience:Management pathway开始放榜~ 斑马博士在两天内已经拿到6个Offer,录取大多为60-70之间的,目测是优先发70+的一批,然后再发60+的申请者,去年大批量发offer是在5月份, 养鱼专业户。 这个专业拿到offer都只con 2.2 【专业解读】期初这专业研究的是各种自然灾害,比如...
十、Risk, Disaster and Resilience MSc 风险、灾难和复原力理学硕士 【专业解析】学术研究可以支持急需的专业化和证据和基于研究的理论在该领域的应用。该理学硕士课程旨在满足对经过培训的专家日益增长的需求,以分析复杂的风险和抗灾能力问题并提供解决方案。 这个专业申请人数不多~非常推荐大家去捡漏哦! 【申请要求】...
(Management and Finance)IC - MRes Medical Robotics and Image-Guided InterventionIC - MSc Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics, Flow Management and Fluid-Structure InteractionIC - MSc Security and Resilience: Science and TechnologyLSE - MSc Management, Information Systems and Digital Innovation...
MSc International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response (January Intake) at The University of Manchester, listed on FindAMasters.com - a comprehensive database of Masters, MSc, MA, MPhil & MRes courses in the UK & Ireland
本项目的核心课是编号SO425的Regulation, Risk and Economic Life(管制、风险与经济生活),这门上下两学期1个学分的课程,每学期上10次课,由LSE三位年轻的助理教授共同主持,这也显示工业革命与信息革命所带来的21世纪新风险,可说是新一代社会学家研究的焦点,因此授课教师自然较为年轻。
本项目的核心课是编号SO425的Regulation, Risk and Economic Life(管制、风险与经济生活),这门上下两学期1个学分的课程,每学期上10次课,由LSE三位年轻的助理教授共同主持,这也显示工业革命与信息革命所带来的21世纪新风险,可说是新一代社会学家研究的焦点,因此授课教师自然较为年轻。
Operational Resilience in Digital Payments: Experiences and Issues Bolt: Anonymous Payment Channels for Decentralized Currencies Analysis of cryptocurrency transactions from a network perspective: An overview synctextadded thetype: MSc-Thesis-WorklabelMay 22, 2023 ...
Students choose from a wide range of optional modules from within the department and more widely across UCL, building an MSc tailored to their interests. The programme aims to integrate theoretical studies with essential practical skills in the Earth sciences, both in the field and in the ...