L同学,河北省211院校,大四在读,专业:环境科学,均分84.5,无雅思申请,收到英国曼彻斯特大学MSc Pollution and Environmental Control专业2025年秋季入学有条件录取。
英国曼彻斯特大学|污染与环境控制理学硕士MSc Pollution & Environmental Control|留学课程论文作业辅导 辅无忧留学生辅导 专业概况 曼彻斯特大学污染与环境控制理学硕士项目旨在:为自然科学或工程背景,有无污染控制、环境管理或资源保护领域进一步学习训练,有意在行业内就业的学生提供跨学科基础训练; 使学生了解社会科学、自然...
网络环境污染控制;环境污染治理 网络释义
Tuition Fee and Scholarships More Programs Program overview Main Subject Environmental Sciences Degree MSc Study Level Masters Creative and challenging, this course addresses human intervention strategies when tackling issues such as flood defence, drinking water quality and contamination control. You...
Environmental pollution and control 3 环境政策与管理 Environmental policy and management 4 环境法 Environmental law 5 环境经济学 Environmental economics 6 定量技能和不确定性 Quantitative skills and uncertainty 7 小组研讨会和相关计划 Small group seminars and related programmes 8 商业与环境 Business and th...
Conservation biology and management 12 环境审计和报告 Environmental auditing and reporting 13 环境健康和风险评估 Environmental health and risk assessment 14 空气和噪音污染控制和管理 Air and noise pollution control and management 15 环境管理专题 Special topics in environmental management 16 淡水资源的保护和...
环境工程1Environmental Engineering 1 环境工程2Environmental Engineering 2 焚烧污染控制Combustion Pollution Control 大气污染控制技术Air Pollution Control Technology 气溶胶科学与技术Aerosol Science & Technology 毒害废物控制Toxic & Hazardous Waste Management 污泥和固体废物管理Sludge and Solid Waste Management 环境生...
through coursework and research specialization. Areas of specialization include air pollution engineering (indoor and/or outdoor), building energy systems, energy/environment/economics (E3), environmental chemistry, environmental resource management, hazardous waste engineering, and water and wastewater ...
Powerful and effective cooperation lasting for years... click here
Procurement and Logistics Material take-off Purchase orders Storage & on site transport Planning and Cost Control Time Schedule Labour Time Keeping Progress Monitoring Cost Monitoring Change Management Construction Mounting SIte Mobilization Installation Supervision ...