Master of Science in Education (Higher Education) ▼ 申请时间线:2021年2月10日递交,2021年3月17日收到offer 1.专业介绍 牛津的教育学已有100多年的历史,发展至今,在研究、教师教育和研究生课程方面享有世界一流的声誉。教育学院Department of Education的研究涵盖了早教、小学和中学教育、继续教育、高等教育,以及...
所在学院:教育学院(Department of Education) 牛津大学(University of Oxford),顶尖公立研究型大学,英语世界中最古老的大学,采用传统学院制,罗素大学集团成员,被誉为“金三角名校”和“G5”。 牛津的教育学已有100多年的历史,在研究、教师教育和研究生课程方面世界一流,2022 QS排名世界第三。学院的研究涵盖早教、小学...
Master of Science in Education (Higher Education) ▼ 申请时间线: 2021年2月10日递交 2021年3月17日收到offer 1.专业介绍 牛津的教育学已有100多年的历史,发展至今,在研究、教师教育和研究生课程方面享有世界一流的声誉。教育学院Department of Education的研究涵盖了早教、小学和中学教育、继续教育、高等教育,以...
MSc Education (Digital and Social Change) 教育学硕士数字与社会变革方向是2021年才开设的,前身是牛津的MSc Education (Learning and Technology)。 课程旨在发展对新技术、教育和社会的理论理解,主要探讨数字技术的包容性和社会正义议题,以解决技术和社会变革对教育影响的当代问题,学生将通过学习教育研究的一些方法训练...
A range of assistive measures are in place to support applications from students with disabilities; ...
Personal Statement: Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at Oxford, your relevant experience and education, and the specific areas that interest you and/or you intend to specialise in.
Dublin City University - Open Education Costa Rica 52.MBA Latin American Leadership - specialization in Sustainability INCAE Business School United Kingdom 53.MSc Sustainability, Planning and Environmental Policy Cardiff University S...
Distribution-Free Finite-Sample Guarantees and Split Conformal Prediction, MSc thesis by Roel Hulsman, University of Oxford (2022) Coreset-based Protocols for Machine Learning Classification, PhD thesis by Nery Riquelme Granada (Royal Holloway, University of London, 2022) ...
application of education and skills for the workplace.The University is located in the South West of the UK, in an area of outstanding natural beauty known as the Cotswolds. Only 2 hours from London and 1 hour from other major cities such as Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff and Oxford, the Un...