一些商学院开设的MSc Management等课程甚至拒绝录取本科学商科的同学。 因此,假如你本科专业不能满足你的就业需求,或者是希望在某些细分的领域进一步深造,但又不想学习过于学术化的东西,MSc项目不失为一个好的选择。这种课程在较短时间内为学生的职业发展“充电”,性价比较高。对于纯粹希望体验国外生活,开拓眼界的同学...
最后我们再一起看看TCD这个商科超级火爆的硕士专业MSc in Digital Marketing Strategy Lead at the frontier of the digital world with Ireland's No. 1 MSc in Digital Marketing Strategy (QS World University Rankings, 2023).Ranked 19th in the world, 1stin Ireland (QS World University Rankings, 2022)....
19. MBA elective in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Management CEIBS - China Europe International Business School Latvia 20. Leadership and Management Riga Technical University U.S.A. 21. MBA Organizational Behavior elective Dartmouth College Ireland 22...
Ireland 51. Master of Science in Management for Sustainable Development Dublin City University - Open Education Costa Rica 52. MBA Latin American Leadership - specialization in Sustainability INCAE Business School United Kingdom 53. MSc Sustainability...
Mock 帮助很大,找人多练几次会发现自己需要改进的地方。面试的回答最好体现出自己的特点,比如你是一个怎么养的 leader,做决定之前会做哪些准备之类的。最后个人推荐面试时穿着打扮正式些,可以 business casual.毕竟 interviewer 是 career management team的人,可能也会对 interviewee 们的形象打分。
The programme will has a minimum entry requirement of a lower second-class honours, 2.2 or equivalent, award in a bachelors’ degree at NFQ Level 8 in any of the following areas legal studies, business organization, accounting, finance, or management. Learners from disciplines with a partial al...
and interpretation and to present them in a report format. Management for Sustainable Development’s main philosophy is that for business to be sustainable in the long-term, a manager must effectively manage the whole of the business’ resources, inclu...
5. Master in e-Business Management WMG, University of Warwick France 6. MSc Digital Marketing and Sales KEDGE Business School United Kingdom 7. Msc Strategic Marketing Imperial College London - Imperial College Buisness School Ireland ...
This shows how much technology is beginning to impact all sectors of the business world. Follow a Masters/MS/MBA in data management Apart from data analysis which is strictly for developing specific algorithms and programs in order to facilitate the transferring of big data across different ...
27.MA in International Tourism and Leisure Management University of Southern Denmark France 28.MSc International Event Management Excelia Business School Ireland 29.MSc Events Management TU Dublin - School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Uni...