本科专业:生物工程系统BSc Bioengineering Systems G P A:澳洲成绩均分73.7 雅思:无 申请时间:2021年12月 录取时间:2021年12月 面试笔试:无 录取院校:香港城市大学City University of Hong Kong 录取专业:健康科学管理理学硕士MSc Health Sciencs and Management 申请其他学校,事实更新,有兴趣的可以关...
本科院校:墨尔本大学The University of Melbourne 本科专业:生物工程系统BSc Bioengineering Systems G P A:73.7 雅思:无 申请时间:2021年12月 录取时间:2021年12月 面试笔试:无 录取院校:香港城市大学City University of Hong Kong 录取专业:健康科学管理理学硕士MSc Health Sciencs and Management...
MSc无孔不入,几乎每个行业都有它的身影,艺术(UCL的MSc Urban Design and City Planning),前沿科技(York的MSc Intelligent Robotics,南安的MSc Artificial Intelligence,谢菲的MSc Nuclear Science and Technology),交叉学科(格拉的MSc Aerospace Engineering and Management)等。 MPhil(哲学硕士) Master of Philosophy 哲学...
社科类,UCL的MSc Sustainable Urbanism。 MSc无孔不入,几乎每个行业都有它的身影,艺术(UCL的MSc Urban Design and City Planning),前沿科技(York的MSc Intelligent Robotics,南安的MSc Artificial Intelligence,谢菲的MSc Nuclear Science and Technology),交叉学科(格拉的MSc Aerospace Engineering and Management)等。 MP...
1.Master of International Healthcare Management, Economics and Policy (MIHMEP) SDA Bocconi School of Management U.S.A. 2.Juris Doctor/Master of Public Health (JD/MPH) Harvard University Netherlands 3.Master of Science (MSc) in Health Economics, Policy & Law ...
MSc无孔不入,几乎每个行业都有它的身影,艺术(UCL的MSc Urban Design and City Planning),前沿科技(York的MSc Intelligent Robotics,南安的MSc Artificial Intelligence,谢菲的MSc Nuclear Science and Technology),交叉学科(格拉的MSc Aerospace Engineering and Management)等。
Business & Management London MSc Degrees Part time study Nursing and health Popular Disciplines Psychology Nursing & Health History & Archaeology Communication & Media Studies Social Work Medicine Business & Management Education Languages, Literature & Culture Geology Show more disciplin...
Therefore, in the management of pre-RA, maintaining cartilage homeostasis is crucial and takes precedence over the concerns typically associated with late-stage chronic arthritis. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have gained widespread attention in the field of cell therapy [21] and have been used to...
More programs from the university Bachelor Master MBA PHD The University offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate programmes across 20 subject areas. The University’s areas of academic strength include: Technology (including Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Computer Science); Health Sciences ...
More programs from the university Bachelor Master MBA PHD The University offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate programmes across 20 subject areas. The University’s areas of academic strength include: Technology (including Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Computer Science); Health Sciences ...