学术要求: We require a UK bachelor degree with first or upper second classhonoursor the overseas equivalent, with excellent results in accounting and finance subjects. When assessing your academic record, we take into account your grade average, position in class, references and the standing of th...
Business and Management (15) MSc Accounting & Financial Management MSc Accounting & Sustainability MSc Business & Finance MSc Business Analytics MSc Business with Consulting MSc Business with Marketing View All FAQs How do I apply for the MSc courses at Warwick Business School About...
To succeed on these courses you will need strong mathematics and statistics or econometrics ability, this could be demonstrated by a 2.1 or first achieved in a relevant subject at Undergraduate level. Your degree would normally need to be in economics, or have had a substantial economics component...
Financial Reporting & Financial Statement AnalysisIssues in Accounting I Issues in Accounting II Research Methods in Accounting 选修课(2门,其中一门必须为Accounting) Accounting Information & Markets Advanced Corporate Finance Behavioural Finance Corporate Governance ...
专业:Finance金融学 链接: https://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/postgraduate/degrees/index.php?r=site/view&edition=2018&id=928 课程设置: Year 1 Academic year: Compulsory courses Statistics For Finance金融统计 Financial Markets and Investment金融市场和投资 ...
【Offer展示】杜伦大学 杜伦大学 University of Durham Msc Finance (Accounting and Finance) 【学校介绍】杜伦大学(University of Durham),世界百强名校,英国顶尖大学,英国前十名校,是著名的科英布拉集团和英国常春藤联盟罗素大学集团的成员之一 ,杜伦商学院通过了三重认证(EQUIS,AMBA和AACSB),2023年QS世界大学排名位列...
课程名称:MSc Accounting and Finance; 中文名称:会计与金融理学硕士; 专业排名:QS会计与金融学科排名第17位; 课程时长:1年; 开课时间:9月; 课程学费:32,000英镑/年; 开设学院:曼彻斯特商学院; 官网信息: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/st...
申请要点 学位要求:Bachelor 专业要求:Law or other law professional equivalent. 申请链接:http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/msc-law-and-finance?wssl=1 招生电话:+44 (0) 1865 281947 招生邮箱:mlf@law.ox.ac.uk
The foundation of the programme is built in the first term with study of two core courses: Corporate Finance and Asset Markets. Corporate Finance begins with the firm's investment decision and the cost of capital. This in turn is linked to the firm’s financial structure and market environment...