英文名MSC Cruises Shipping Service (Shanghai) Ltd. 注册地址上海市宝山区泗东路33号10幢322室(邮编200000)附近企业 通信地址 上海市徐汇区长乐路989号世纪商贸广场2301(邮编200031)(2023年报) 经营范围许可项目:食品经营;酒类经营;货物进出口;技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,...
The article announces the plan of MSC Cruises to deploy a ship to Shanghai, China in the future. The plan will put MSC Cruises in competition with both Costa Cruises and Royal Caribbean International. The Shanghai port is capable of receiving a million passengers annually and is expecting 100...
Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC), the Switzerland-based operator of the Bellissima cruises, is now offering coupons worth a maximum of 500 yuan (US$69) to people in Shenzhen and the GBA who are interested in taking ...
Viking, the first line to announce a temporary suspension of service, extended that two months, to July 1. MSC Cruises extended through May 29, while Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings' three brands are waiting until May 10, Carnival Cruise Line unti May 11, Seabourn and Holl...