修订后的性能标准撤销了第 MSC.530(106)号决议的第 1 次修订,并适用于 2029 年 1 月 1 日或之后安装的 ECDIS。此外,2026 年 1 月 1 日或之后、2029 年 1 月 1 日之前安装的 ECDIS 可符合 MSC.530(106)/Rev.1 号决议中修订后的性能标准,或 MSC.232(82) 号决议中的旧版本。 04 海上安全信息联...
MSC.1/Circ.1164/Rev.26公布经海上安全委员会确认已传递与《1978年STCW公约》缔约方提交的独立评估报告有关的信息,表明缔约方正在充分和彻底执行公约的有关规定 MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.38秘书长根据《海员培训、发证和值班规则》第A-I/7节保存的合格人员...
委员会通过了《有关船舶远程识别与跟踪系统的性能标准和功能性要求》的第MSC.263(84)/Rev.1号决议。 委员会批准的相关修正案有:LRIT—技术文件(第1部分)(MSC.1/Circ.1259/Rev.8),《船舶符合传输LRIT信息要求的检验和发证指南》(MSC.1/Circ.1307)以及LRIT系统服务计划的连续性(MSC.1/Circ.1376/Rev.4)。
另外,MSC.1/Circ.1456 号通函中包含的SOLAS II-2 条的相关统一解释已通过 MSC.1/Circ.1456/Rev.1 号文件更新,以说明2026 年 1 月 1 日之前建造的船舶上的控制站和货物控制室无需安装固定式火灾探测和火警系统。04新老滚装客船的消防安全(SOLAS II-2/20)经过SSE小组委员会关...
Following 30 min incubation at 37uC, cells were washed and resuspended at 106 cells/ml in complete RPMI media. Fluorescent-labeled U937 cells (5 3 105 cells/well) were allowed to bind to MSCs for 1 h at 4uC, as previously described16, to determine the extent to which activated MSCs ...
However, various literature indicated that the memory and/or nonlocality of the system may change with time, space or other conditions [66, 106]. The VO fractional operators depending on their non-stationary power-law kernel can describe the memory and hereditary properties of many physical ...
委员会通过了《有关船舶远程识别与跟踪系统的性能标准和功能性要求》的第 MSC.263(84)/Rev.1 号决议。 委员会批准的相关修正案有: LRIT— 技术文件(第 1 部分)( MSC.1/Circ.1259/Rev.8 ),《船舶符合传输 LRIT 信息要求的检验和发证指南》( MSC.1/Circ.1307 )以及 LRIT 系统服务计划的连续性( MSC.1...
After microscopy and image acquisition (see Table 1), the retaining dyes were extracted from cultures by pure DMSO (PanReac AppliChem, Chicago, IL, USA), and the absorbance at 560 nm (Alizarin Red O), 608 nm (Toluidine blue) or 530 nm (Oil Red O) was measured using an EnVision Multi...
DTC114TE dtc114te.rev0 Transistor DTC114YE dtc114ye Transistor DTC114YE dtc114ye.rev1 Transistor DTC123EE dtc123ee Transistor DTC123JE dtc123je Transistor DTC123YE dtc123ye Transistor DTC124EE dtc124ee Transistor DTC124TE dtc124te Transistor DTC124XE dtc124xe Transistor DTC143EE dtc143ee Tr...