您需要呼叫 powershell.exe 執行檔並使用–command開關來提供您希望 Windows PowerShell 執行的命令。 (在 Windows PowerShell v2 中,您也可以使用–file開關)。 該命令應採用以下格式: 主控台複製 powershell.exe –command "& { [Path to script] 'paramete...
完整MSBuild:這個版本的 MSBuild 通常位於 Visual Studio 內。 在 .NET Framework 上執行。 當您在方案或專案上執行建置時,Visual Studio 會使用此功能。 此版本也可從命令行環境取得,例如 Visual Studio 開發人員命令提示字元或 PowerShell。 .NET MSBuild:這個版本的 MSBuild 會配套在 .NET Core 命令行中。
Add semicolon in powershell report Add shared printer from Powershell, driver cannot be retrieved from the server Add switches to powershell script add text to the start of a line Add the same firewall rule with netsh and with PowerShell Add User Account - Local Security Policy Add user t...
{$script:MSBuildExe="${env:SystemRoot}\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe"$script:MsBuildToolsVersion="3.5"}else{$script:MSBuildExe="${env:SystemRoot}\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe"$script:MsBuildToolsVersion="2.0"} } }Set-Msbuild-ToolsWrite-Host"`nCurrent Microsoft...
Calling MSBuild from powershell scipt Can a pre-build event update an assembly's version? Can I delete MsBuild folder? Can I loop over a list of values and call a task for each one? Can you integrate an NPM script when you Build or Publish in VS 2017? Cannot build default Angular ...
ExecuteDDL MSBuild task to execute DDL and SQL statements. FileUpdate Replace text in file(s) using a Regular Expression. FtpCreateRemoteDirectory Creates a full remote directory on the remote server if not exists using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This can be one directory or a full...
Open PowerShell and load esc.exe through reflection. [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("c:\temp\esc.exe") Alternatively,esc-example.ps1contains a portable example generated using Out-Compressdll. It can be loaded using the PowerShell command below. ...
Fileless Lateral Movement using WMI, can be used with Cobalt Strike's Execute-Assembly Note: This is still in experimental stage and no where near to be used in a real engagement. Current Working Creates aRemoteWMI Class Writes Shellcode as property value to the above created Fake WMI Class...
Now that you have cloned the vcpkg repository, navigate to the vcpkg directory and execute the bootstrap script: Console Kopiraj cd vcpkg && bootstrap-vcpkg.bat The bootstrap script performs prerequisite checks and downloads the vcpkg executable. That's it! vcpkg is set up and ready to ...