Tr= timeDomainSignal2RiseTime(Tin,Vin,RefLevel)returns the rise time of the time-domain input signal represented by [Tin,Vin]. example Examples collapse all Rise Time of Time-Domain Signal Determine the rise time of a time-domain signal. ...
w = eyeWidth(obj) measures the eye width of the eye diagram or eye contour object obj. w = eyeWidth(obj,amp) measures the eye width of the eye diagram or eye contour object obj at the amplitude specified by amp. [w,amp] = eyeWidth(___,Name=Value) measures the eye width and the...
a = eyeArea(obj) measures the eye area of the eye diagram or eye contour object obj. a = eyeArea(obj,index) measures the eye area of the eye diagram or eye contour object obj at the index specified by index. a = eyeArea(___,Name=Value) measures the eye area using one or more...
Duty Cycle of Time-Domain Signal Determine the duty cycle of a time-domain signal. loadtin.mat; loadxin.mat; dutycycle = timeDomainSignal2DutyCycle(t,x) dutycycle =4×10.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 Input Arguments collapse all Tin—Sample time points in signal ...
1月11日汪国保一行走访参观江西九江治未病中医馆 1月11日汪国保一行走访参观江西九江治未病中医馆 35 汪国保一行到庐江微创医院走访交流 汪国保一行到庐江微创医院走访交流 52 2025年1月7日汪国保、武金一行走访合肥志愿团体 2025年1月7日汪国保、武金一行走访合肥志愿团体 49 农村风风火火杀年猪 农村风风火火...
With the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app you can analyze, identify trends in, and visualize mixed-signal data. The Cadence Virtuoso ADE MATLAB Integration option lets you import databases of circuit-level simulation results into MATLAB®. Alternatively, you can import a SPICE netlist and create or modi...
Eye levels are defined as the mean amplitude for each symbol. usually measured in a small window near the center of the eye. levels= eyeLevels(obj,time)measures the eye levels from the eye diagram objectobjat the time specified bytime. ...
The phase noise profile of an oscillator provides insight to its stability in the frequency domain. The phase noise data you obtain from an oscillator data sheet can be flawed by the measurement limitations. To design a physically realistic model, you need to obtain reliable phase noise data fro...
N-bit ADC with flash architecture expand all in pageLibraries:Mixed-Signal Blockset / ADC / Architectures Description An N-bit flash ADC comprises of a resistive ladder that contains 2N resistors and 2N-1 comparators. The reference voltage of each comparator is 1 least significant bit (LSB) ...