MSB4100 - MSB4199 MSB4200 - MSB4278 MSB4200 MSB4201 MSB4202 MSB4203 MSB4204 MSB4205 MSB4206 MSB4207 MSB4209 MSB4210 MSB4211 MSB4212 MSB4213 MSB4214 MSB4215 MSB4216 MSB4217 MSB4218 MSB4219 MSB4220 MSB4221 MSB4222 MSB4223 MSB4224 MSB4225 MSB4226 MSB4227 MSB4228 MSB4229 MSB4230 MSB4231 MS...
error MSB4226: The imported project…blah blah blah /Users/[user name here]/Projects/MessageRelay/macOS/Message.Relay.macOS.csproj(13,13): Error MSB4226: The imported project “/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/6.12.0/lib/mono/xbuild/Xamarin/macOS/Xamarin.macOS.CSharp.targ...
Error MSB4226: The imported project "C:\Program Files\..on.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk in one of the search paths. Closed - Not a BugView resolution114 0Votes NSNidhin Sankar -...
I am trying to set up an Azure pipeline for a project but I am getting a failure on the nuget restore command in my yml. Below is the full error: [error]The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(D:\a\1\s\UDesign\Backup\UDesign\UDesign.csproj(190,11): error MSB42...
(2094,5): error MSB4018: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\op\sippin-pp-master\Release\Total Le.22B64E67.tlog\'. 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets...
本文說明MSB4226錯誤碼。 消息正文 輸出 MSB4226: The imported project 'value' was not found. Also, tried to find 'value' in the fallback search path(s) for 'value' - 'value' . These search paths are defined in 'value'. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, ...
MSB4222 MSB4223 MSB4224 MSB4225 MSB4226 MSB4227 MSB4228 MSB4229 MSB4230 MSB4231 MSB4232 MSB4233 MSB4234 MSB4235 MSB4236 MSB4237 MSB4238 MSB4239 MSB4240 MSB4241 MSB4242 MSB4244 MSB4245 MSB4246 MSB4247 MSB4248 MSB4249 MSB4250 MSB4251
MSB4218 MSB4219 MSB4220 MSB4221 MSB4222 MSB4223 MSB4224 MSB4225 MSB4226 MSB4227 MSB4228 MSB4229 MSB4230 MSB4231 MSB4232 MSB4233 MSB4234 MSB4235 MSB4236 MSB4237 MSB4238 MSB4239 MSB4240 MSB4241 MSB4242 MSB4244 MSB4245 MSB4246 MSB4247