针对您遇到的“error MSB3577: 两个输出文件名解析为同一个输出路径”的问题,以下是一些解决步骤和建议: 确认错误发生的环境和上下文: 这个错误通常发生在Visual Studio项目中,尤其是在处理资源文件(如.resx文件)时。 检查您的项目配置(如Debug或Release模式)以及目标平台(如x86、x64或Any CPU)。 查找和阅读MSB35...
此错误表示生成输出中存在重复文件名。 如果需要更多信息来诊断错误,首先启用诊断日志(使用-verbosity:diag命令行开关),然后使用完整的诊断输出检查 MSBuild 日志文件。 对于大型项目的更大输出日志,请考虑使用二进制日志(-bl命令行开关)和MSBuild 结构化日志查看器来更轻松地查看输出。
Having migrated a VB NET 4.7 project to .NET 5 I have found that I'm getting an error MSB3577. The parameters are Two output file names resolved to the same output path:…
Check the file in question and try to determine why it's being generated more than once - what are the build processes that are creating it? Can you rename one of the two files? Is there a duplicate step in the build process, so the same file is being generated more than once? This...
Check the file in question and try to determine why it's being generated more than once - what are the build processes that are creating it? Can you rename one of the two files? Is there a duplicate step in the build process, so the same file is being generated more than once?
Check the file in question and try to determine why it's being generated more than once - what are the build processes that are creating it? Can you rename one of the two files? Is there a duplicate step in the build process, so the same file is being generated more than once?
MSB3303 MSB3304 MSB3305 MSB3323 MSB3325 MSB3326 MSB3327 MSB3482 MSB3491 MSB3541 MSB3552 MSB3553 MSB3554 MSB3577 MSB3644 MSB3645 MSB3721 MSB3774 MSB3821 MSB3822 MSB3836 MSB3884 MSB3971 MSB4011 MSB4018 MSB4019 MSB4024 MSB4025 MSB4030 ...
Check the file in question and try to determine why it's being generated more than once - what are the build processes that are creating it? Can you rename one of the two files? Is there a duplicate step in the build process, so the same file is being generated more than once?
Periksa file yang dimaksud dan coba tentukan mengapa file dibuat lebih dari sekali - apa saja proses build yang membuatnya? Dapatkah Anda mengganti nama salah satu dari dua file? Apakah ada langkah duplikat dalam proses build sehingga file yang sama dihasilkan lebih dari sekali?