2. 这是一个“提升产品良率”的六西格玛项目,由于良率低导致年度原材料报废金额超过20万,客户投诉超过5起。这个项目的目标,是将良率从原来的60%提高到85%。听黑带大师与你步步拆解项目过程; 3. 整个项目过程中,会用到DMAIC各阶段的不同工具和方法,如D-定义阶段:项目立项书,SIPOC,CTQ;M-测量阶段的MSA测量系...
12.With the(introduce) _of the Internet ,more and more people preferred to shop online . 13 .(unfortunate) _,you have many articles online to help you in finding a job . 14 . The machine suddenly stopped(run) _because of the power cut . 15 . Such thinking is(fas...
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