MSA数据收集及分析表 测量系统分析MSAGR&R---数据记录表DataWorksheet 报告编号ReportNO.量具名称Equipment Name量具编号EquipmentNO.产品名称Description 产品图号PartNo.测量人员OperatorA 测量人员OperatorB 测试日期TestTate 评价人数Appraisers 参数规格Dimension Ø36.8(0,-0.2)规格上限USL22.80 测量人员OperatorC...
including how to do how to plan, how to choose the parts, so that a blind test, how to judge, how to improve the measurement system analysis; the difference of criterion for MSA third edition and second edition (using statistical hypothesis test); provide evaluation of measurement...
The method presented here is a direct improvement of the original learnMSA.2.1 Deep profile hidden Markov modelsThe likelihood of a sequence S given an HMM θ is a sum over all possible alignments, each represented by a path of states π: θπθππθππθπPθ(S)=∑πPθ(π,S)=...
Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析 1 顾问:杨老师 此MSA测量系统分析培训教材,内容整合了最新版全面 的计数型、计量型、破坏型MSA分析理论及原理,供企 业内部培训或个人学习参考。本人知识及编辑水平有限, 读者在文中若有不足之处,敬请指正。 因编辑本文花了较多精力,收取合理的财富值,请谅见。 联络方式:...
基本模型BasicModel LSL USL 总过程变差 过程变差 测量系统变差 2Total 2Product 2MeasurementSystem 总方差等于真正的产品的方差和测量系统方差之和 LSL此测量系统将严重误导 对过程的判断!!测量系统变差 USL总过程变差 过程变差 Sigt2mSaig2pmSaigm2ma 模拟结果ResultsofSimulations 实际流程变差没有测量误差 Actual...
52、lusion:SatisfactoryMarginalUnacceptableRepeat TrailRepeatabilityXReproducibilityXR & RXRecommendation:22EVAV+222(*)(/)XdiffKEVnrRRPV&2222EVAV+MSA139第五版:2002年7月BST 偏倚和线性#SP-B-001Test Name:BST7-02-97 BIAS & LINEARITYMachine : DAGEDate: May.798 1. Bias (Independent Sample Method)50...
It is an objective method to assess the validity of a measurement system and minimize the factors contributing to process variation that are actually stemming from the measurement system. It is designed to assess the statistical properties of gage variation. ...
测量系统分析MSA GR&R---变差数分析法ANOVA method 报告编号Report NO. 量具名称 Equipment 产品类型 Description 测量人员 OperatorA 测试日 期 Test Tate 量具编号 Equipment NO. 基件编号 Part NO. 测量人员 OperatorB 平价人 数 Apprais ers 参数规格 Specification 规格上限 Upper limit 测量人员 OperatorC 试...
8、 Value仪器二平均数仪器一偏差量仪器二偏差量仪器一平均数Precision(变异性)变异性) 名词: Random Error, Spread, Test/ Retest error 测量系统中的总变异 MS rpt rpd 测量重复值的自然变异 重复性与再现性=2+ 22 测量系统固有的变异性 在绝对不变的情形下,对相同变量重复测量所产生的变异 - 相同操作者 ...
For optimal write sequential performance, parity-based disk groups (RAID 5 and RAID 6) should be created with “the power of 2” method. This method means that the number of data drives (nonparity) contained in a disk group should be a power of 2. I have seen significant sequen...