项目 2024/10/31 反馈 The DeletePolicy method deletes an existing resource policy.[id(4), helpstring("method DeletePolicy")] HRESULT DeletePolicy( [in] BSTR bstrPolicyName );bstrPolicyName: The name of the resource policy to be deleted. If... DeletePolicy (Opnum 10) 文章 30/10/2020 意見反映 The DeletePolicy method deletes an existing resource policy. [id(4), helpstring("method DeletePolicy")] HRESULT DeletePolicy( [in] BSTR bstrPolicyName ); bstrPolicyName: The name of the resource policy to be deleted. If ...
發行項 2020/10/30 意見反應 The DeletePolicy method deletes an existing resource policy.[id(4), helpstring("method DeletePolicy")] HRESULT DeletePolicy( [in] BSTR bstrPolicyName );bstrPolicyName: The name of the resource policy to be deleted. ...
Return Values: This method returns 0x00000000 for success or a negative HRESULT value (in the following table or in [MS-ERREF] section 2.1.1) if an error occurs.展开表 Return value/code Description 0x00000000 S_OK Operation successful. 0x80070057 E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are...