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POST https://<serverurl>/personal/<useralias>/_api/SPFileSync/sync/<personalsiteid>/RootFolder?View=SkyDriveSync&SyncToken=<synctoken> Inform the protocol server of a file move to another location inside the scope of the syncing folder. See section 4.4 for an example of the ...
POST https://<serverurl>/personal/<useralias>/_api/SPFileSync/sync/<personalsiteid>/RootFolder?View=SkyDriveSync&SyncToken=<synctoken> Inform the protocol server of a file move to another location inside the scope of the syncing folder. See section 4.4 for an example of the...
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MS713-2A工业开关柜电柜门锁机箱机柜平面锁配电箱电气柜连杆锁 宁波东钱湖旅游度假区诚兴机械配件厂 14年 回头率: 28.5% 浙江 宁波市鄞州区 ¥5.30 成交1190把 厂家MS713电柜平面锁MS713带挂娃娃机门锁连杆锁机柜锁电箱锁 沧县拓鑫五金加工厂 11年 回头率: 30.6% 河北 沧县 ¥14.30 成交4件...
MS713-2A工业开关柜电柜门锁机箱机柜平面锁配电箱电气柜连杆锁 宁波东钱湖旅游度假区诚兴机械配件厂 14年 回头率: 12.5% 浙江 宁波市鄞州区 ¥14.30 成交4件 恒珠柜锁 MS713 转舌锁 开关电柜门锁 配电箱锁 厂家直发 益升华恒珠精密零部件有限公司 4年 回头率: 44.6% 江西 宜春市袁州区 ¥12...
[MS-FILESYNC]: File Synchronization Protocol 1 Introduction 2 Messages 3 Protocol Details 3 Protocol Details 3.1 Client Details 3.1 Client Details 3.1.1 Abstract Data Model 3.1.2 Timers 3.1.3 Initialization 3.1.4 Higher-Layer Triggered Events ...
POST https://<serverurl>/personal/<useralias>/_api/SPFileSync/sync/<personalsiteid>/RootFolder?View=SkyDriveSync&SyncToken=<synctoken> Inform the protocol server of a file move to another location inside the scope of the syncing folder. See section 4.4 for an example of the ...