MS7001EAThe time-proven MS7001EA Gas Turbine has undergone several compressor flow and firing-temperature up-rates over its life cycle to date. These up-rates, while improving output, cumulatively have driven the last stage of the turbine component away from its optimum, design-point efficiency....
日本mothertool 木材数字水分计 MS-7001 ●操作简单,接触式木材水分计 ●测量范围:9~30% 特征 ■操作简单的木材水分计 ■可用于水分含量为9~30%的各种材料的水分测定 ■配备数据保持功能以固定测定 值■显示测定值的值/最小值 配备MAX/ MIN值显示功能 配备 自动关机功能,约10分钟无操作后自动关机。可延长(另...
如果用低于4ms的周期外发,实际周期只能做到4ms。相比来说,S7-1500可以做到2ms的实际周期。这也说明S7-1500的运算能力强于S7-1200。 3、PLC的发送程序 在2ms的循环中断程序里进行发送,通过计数比较或者其他方法获得4ms的周期脉冲,触发发送指令。在通讯结束...
INTEGRATION OF TECHNOLOGY CAPABILITY FOR PERFORMANCE DIAGNOSTICS OF MS7001EA USING PYTHIAGas turbine components are susceptible to degradation during operations; hence, the identification of the engine condition is really important for the gas turbine users. To this end, a comprehensive adaptive diagnostic...
1. SOA Sector Power Plants That have FR- 7001EA Units 2. TIHAMA Power Plant 3. Function of Compressor Bleed Valve in Gas Turbine 4. Components of Compressor Bleed Valve 5. What is the problem before the enhancement of the bleed valve in FR- 7001EAAldaabali, Hamzah...