The MS5540-CM is MODULE BAROMETER MINITURE SENSOR manufactured by MEASUREM. The MS5540-CM is available in SMD8 Package, is part of the Pressure Sensors, Transducers, , and with support for MODULE BAROMETER MINITURE SENSOR, 1BAR Absolute WHITE GEL 6.2x6.4mmr. ...
• Mobile altimeter / barometer systems Sensor Performances (V = 3 V)DD• Bike computers Pressure Min Typ Max Unit• Adventure or multi-mode watches Range 10 1200 mbar• Variometers ADC 24 bit• Dataloggers 0.13 / 0.084 / 0.054Resolution (1) mbar/ 0.036 / 0.024Accuracy 25°C, ...
•Mobilealtimeter/barometersystemsSensorPerformances(VDD=3V) •BikecomputersPressureMinTypMaxUnit •Adventureormulti-modewatchesRange101200mbar •VariometersADC24bit •Dataloggers Resolution(1) 0.13/0.084/0.054 /0.036/0.024 mbar Accuracy25°C,750mbar-1.5+1.5mbar Errorband,-20°Cto+85°C, 300to...
The Altimeter Module is a high-resolution (20 cm) altimeter sensor, with SPI and I2 C bus interface. The module includes a pressure sensor and a temperature output, allowing implementation of an altimeter/thermometer/barometer without any additional sensors. It provides a precise digital 24-bit ...
The module includes a pressure sensor and a temperature output, allowing implementation of an altimeter/thermometer/barometer without any additional sensors. It provides a precise digital 24-bit pressure and temperature value. MS5607 下载并关注上传者 开通VIP,低至0.08元下载/次 下载资料需要登录,并...