!!! PLEASE READ ALL ARTICLES !!! Please DO NOT FORGET to write your EMAIL address in the ORDER NOTE With Unlimited Keygen , Support for free remote installation of software BMW IMMO OFF BTT EWS DELETER V1.1& Enigma Patcher v1.3 Easily...
[i].ASSN_UID); } } #endregion #region Read assignment status info StatusingWebSvc.StatusingAssignmentsDataSet statusingAssignmentDs = statusingSvc.ReadAssignments(assns.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine("Task Management Assignment Info"); CodeSampleUtilities.WriteTablesToConsole(statusingAssignmentDs....
msdnNode = linksNode.Children.AddAsFirst(msdnNode) End Using End Using Console.Write(vbCrLf & "Press ENTER to continue...") Console.Read() End Sub End Module See alsoReferenceSPNavigationNode classSPNavigationNode membersSPNavigationNode overloadMicrosoft...
Text = "Refresh Cache" AddHandler refreshButton.Click, AddressOf refreshButton_click Me.Controls.Add(refreshButton) End Sub Public Sub UpdateCache(o As Object, e As System.EventArgs) If Me.PartCacheRead(Storage.Shared, "cacheKey") Is Nothing Then Me.PartCacheWrite(Storage.Shared, "cacheKey"...
Read/write in insert calls. Read-only in update calls.For an enterprise resource, the RES_UID is identical to the RES_UID property, the unique identifier it has in the enterprise resource pool.See AlsoReferenceProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow Class...
Read/write in insert calls. Read-only in update calls.For an enterprise resource, the RES_UID is identical to the RES_UID property, the unique identifier it has in the enterprise resource pool.See AlsoReferenceProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow Class...