www.delta-emea.com. Programming Drive Parameters Drive ID, Software version, Password, Parameter reset, Control Mode, Duty HD/ND selection, User-defined display, Carrier frequency, Source of frequency/operation, Stop method, Motor direction inhibit, etc. Basic Parameters V/f-curve (2), Max/Min...
DELTA台达-精巧标准型矢量控制变频器MS300系列使用手册-操作说明书.pdf,400 - 820 - 9595 器频变制控量向型准标巧精达台 绵密网络 专业服务 中达电通已建立了 71 个分支机构及服务网点,并塑建训练有素的专业团队,提供客户最满意的服务,公司技术人员 能在 2
台达ms300说明书 台达ms300说明书 Delta MS300 Series Variable Frequency Drive The Delta MS300 Series compact vector control variable frequency drive is a key factor in achieving optimal n capacity and quality in the XXX where every inch of space and every second counts。The new n of Delta MS...
Delta’ssuperiordrivetechnology—allinacompactdrivethathasbeenreduced40%insize. Avarietyofessentialfunctionsarebuilt-inasstandard,including:PLCcapacityforsimpleprogrammingneeds, communicationslotsforvariouscommunicationcards,andaUSBporttomakedatauploadsanddownloadsfastand ...
Delta’s MS300 series is a standard compact vector control drive that inherits Delta’s superior drive technology. It supports both IM and PM motor control for application flexibility and provides STO safety mechanism. Also built-in various essential functions, including PLC capacity for simple progr...
MS300_使用说明书手册_Stand..pdf,Delta Standard Compact Drive MS300 Series User Manual D e l t a S t a n d a r d C o m p a c t D r i v e M S 3 0 0 S e r i e s U s e r M a n u a l Industrial Automation Headquarters Delta Electronics, Inc. Taoyuan Technolog
Delta 型号 MS300 类型 直流/交流变频器 输出类型 单相, 三座 输出频率 50HZ/60HZ 尺寸 85mm * 190mm * 143.6mm 重量 1.6KG 产品名称 Delta MS300系列VFD 控制方式 内置制动单元,内置PLC 颜色 作为图片 证书 CE ISO9001 保护 IP20 类型 DC/AC转换器 保修 18个月 应用程序 工业制造小型机器 包装和发货信息...
How do I set the master/auxiliary frequency on Delta AC Motor Drive MS300?You can set the function by configuring parameters. As shown in the image below, the relevant parameters include Pr. 00-20 (master frequency command source), Pr. 00-35 (auxiliary frequency command source), and Pr....
7:SE1 参数复制错误 Keypad to Drive COPY 功能错误警告 1 :Keypad to Drive Copy通讯逾时 8:SE2 参数复制错误 Keypad to Drive COPY功能错误警告2 9:oH1 IGBT过热警告 变频器侦测IGBT温度过高,超过oH1警告保护准位(参数06-15高于IGBT过热保护准位时,不会有oH1 警告,会直接跳。H1错误)。
DriveProfile402 操作模式ModeofOperation 原點復歸模式速度模式 HomingModeVelocityMode 位置規劃模式週期同步位置模式 ProfilePositionModeCyclicSynchronousPositionMode 轉矩規劃模式週期同步轉矩模式 ProfileTorqueModeCyclicSynchronousTorqueMode 位置補間模式 InterpolatedPositionMode ...