MS15-083 MS15-082 MS15-081 MS15-080 MS15-079 MS15-078 MS15-077 MS15-076 MS15-075 MS15-074 MS15-073 MS15-072 MS15-071 MS15-070 MS15-069 MS15-068 MS15-067 MS15-066 MS15-065 MS15-064 MS15-063 MS15-062 MS15-061 MS15-060 MS15-059 MS15-058 MS15-057 MS15-056 MS...
此安全性更新可解決 Internet Explorer 的數個已回報的弱點。其中最嚴重的弱點可能會在使用者使用 Internet Explorer 檢視蓄意製作的網頁時允許遠端執行程式碼。若要深入了解這些弱點,請參閱Microsoft 資訊安全公告 MS15-065。 如何取得並安裝更新 方法1:Microsoft Update ...
3076321 MS15-065:Internet Explorer 安全更新:2015 年 7 月 14 日此外,该安全更新还包括多个适用于 Internet Explorer 的与安全无关的修补程序。 此安全更新中的已知问题 为保护用户不受潜在不安全的 ActiveX 安装程序的侵害,在某些情况下,预计以下平台上的更新安装程序会...
In addition, CVE-2015-2372 is a vulnerability in the VBScript engine that also affects the Internet Explorer is also covered in this update as well as in MS15-066 bulletin. SOLUTION PATCH: AFFECTED SOFTWARE AND...
对于 Internet Explorer 7 及更早版本,对于未安装 Internet Explorer 的系统,此漏洞由 MS15-066 中所述的更新解决。解决CVE-2015-2372 的更新取决于系统上安装的 VBScript 脚本引擎的版本。 有关更新信息,请参阅下表。展开表 版本MS15-066MS15-065 VBScript 5.6 \ (Internet Explorer 6) VBScript 5.6 \ (...
For Internet Explorer 7 and earlier, and for systems without Internet Explorer installed, the vulnerability is addressed by the update described in MS15-066.The update that addresses CVE-2015-2372 depends on the version of the VBScript scripting engine that is installed on your system. Consult ...
MS15-078 MS15-077 MS15-076 MS15-075 MS15-074 MS15-073 MS15-072 MS15-071 MS15-070 MS15-069 MS15-068 MS15-067 MS15-066 MS15-065 MS15-064 MS15-063 MS15-062 MS15-061 MS15-060 MS15-059 MS15-058 MS15-057 MS15-056 ...
이 취약성에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 Microsoft 보안 공지 MS15-065를 참조하십시오. 업데이트를 구하고 설치하는 방법 방법 1: Microsoft Update 이 업데이트는 Microsoft Update를...
これらの中で最も深刻な脆弱性が悪用された場合、ユーザーが特別に細工された Web ページを Internet Explorer で表示すると、リモートでコードが実行される可能性があります。この脆弱性の詳細については、マイクロソフト セキュリティ...
For Internet Explorer 7 and earlier, and for systems without Internet Explorer installed, the vulnerability is addressed by the update described in MS15-066.The update that addresses CVE-2015-2372 depends on the version of the VBScript scripting engine that is installed on your system. Consult ...