MS130-24/24P: 24x 1 GbE and 4x 1G SFP MS130-24X: 18x 1 GbE and 6x 2.5 GbE with 4x 10G SFP+ Accessories MA-SFP-10GB-SR MA-SFP-1GB-LX10 Start here. Build anything. Design your network experience. Meraki network switches are built to work seamlessly with our cloud-managed Wi-Fi ...
MS130-8P-I, MS130-24, 24P. 24X, 48, 48P, 48X MS130 switch Region-specific power cords are not included in the box*. Order the appropriate power cord separately: MA-PWR-CORD-US MA-PWR-CORD-EU MA-PWR-CORD-UK MA-PWR-CORD-CN MA-PWR-CORD-IN MA-PWR-CORD-BR MA-PWR-CORD-TW MA...
MS130-24/24P: 24x 1 GbE and 4x 1G SFP MS130-24X: 18x 1 GbE and 6x 2.5 GbE with 4x 10G SFP+ Accessories MA-SFP-10GB-LR MA-SFP-10GB-SR MA-SFP-1GB-LX10 Start here. Build anything. Design your network experience. Meraki network switches are built to work seamlessly with our cloud...