缓解是指在默认状态下存在的设置、常见配置或一般最佳做法,这可能会降低漏洞利用的严重性。 以下缓解因素可能对你的情况有所帮助: Microsoft Internet Information Services 版本 5.1、6.0 和 7.0 不受此漏洞的影响。 默认情况下,匿名用户帐户被拒绝写入访问。 为了成功利用具有写入访问权限的此漏洞,匿名用户帐户需要在...
MS09-020 iis6.0提权 漏洞编号:MS09-020 披露日期: 2009/6/9 受影响的操作系统:Windows 2003 x64 sp1 sp2;XP; 测试系统:windows 2003 x64 上传 执行iis6.0.exe "net user temp 123.com /add" net user 从此山高路远,纵马扬鞭。愿往后旅途,三冬暖,春不寒,天黑有灯,下雨有伞。此生尽兴,不负勇往。
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When search is requested by specifying a keyword and a search period on a terminal device (10a to 10c), a headline data search unit (124b) of a WEB server (12) searches a plurality of headline data (123b) from a storage unit (123) by using the keyword. When the number of searched...
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In the various place in order to indicate the information of starting, for example the station of the railroad, the indicatory system in the stop and the airport etc of the bus is known. This invention, especially, the new conversational indicatory system is offered in order between waitings...
What systems are primarily at risk from the vulnerability? Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 systems on which IIS version 5.1 or 6.0 is used and where WebDAV is enabled are primarily at risk. Typically these systems are Web servers or application servers, but they may also be developer or ...