Each event source also has a name that is a Unicode string. This name MUST be unique across all event sources on the same server. An event source name typically identifies the software product to which a given event applies. Event source names SHOULD<4> be prefixed with a unique value (...
Event categories are integers that are unique on a per-event source basis. The combination of an event source name and an
NYUSPS特殊点:与绝大多数学院不一样,NYUSPS 是允许录取后申请换专业(不能换去MS Financial Planning)。因此,好多学生,在本身BG 不是很高的情况下,会申请一门相对容易的专业,比如MS Event Management,然后再 尝试换专业。 NYU MS Event Management 注意点 相对NYUSPS 其他项目时间较短:36-credit program of study ...
MS.eventManager.fire( name, detail ) 参数:name String 事件名称 参数:detail Object 事件参数 返回:void fireElementEvent 元素事件触发 元素事件触发 MS.eventManager.fireElementEvent( element, name, detail ) 参数:element Element 元素 参数:name String 事件名称 参数:detail Object 事件参数 返回:void 魔...
[MS-EVEN6]: EventLog Remoting Protocol Version 6.0 1 Introduction 2 Messages 2 Messages 2.1 Transport 2.2 Common Data Types 2.2 Common Data Types 2.2.1 RpcInfo 2.2.2 BooleanArray 2.2.3 UInt32Array 2.2.4 UInt64Array 2.2.5 StringArray ...
Specifies the EventLog Remoting Protocol, which exposes the RPC methods for reading events in both live and backup event logs on remote computers.This page and associated content may be updated frequently. We recommend you subscribe to the RSS feed to receive update notifications....
MS - Teams Live Event Hello everyone, I want to ask something .. A month ago, I was able to prepare a live event with a duration of 8 hours or more, but today I can not. Because teams give a pop-up message; "You can prepare a live event for a maximum of 4 hours" but I wa...
WCLMS 专为iPhone 设计 免费 iPhone 截屏 简介 The app provides users with the following functionality; - A list of all services within an event they have access to - The service details including Pickup and Destination locations - The Drivers name/phone number assigned to the service ...
<xs:complexType name="Event"> <xs:attribute name="Type" type="bt:ShortString" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="FunctionExecution" type="EventFunctionExecutionType" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="FunctionName" type="bt:LongString" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> ...
MS - Teams Live Event Hello everyone, I want to ask something .. A month ago, I was able to prepare a live event with a duration of 8 hours or more, but today I can not. Because teams give a pop-up message; "You can p...Show More Reply View Full Discussion (3 Replies)Show ...