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(1)复发缓解型MS(RRMS):临床中最常见的类型,此型疾病表现为明显的复发和缓解过程,每次发作后均基本恢复,不留或仅留下轻微后遗症。多达80%-85%MS患者最初病程中表现为本类型。 (2)继发进展型MS(SPMS):约超过50%的RRMS患者在患病10-15年后疾病不再有复发缓解,呈缓...
The author discusses the marginalia in the Corpus Christi College, Cambridge manuscript (MS) 41 (CCCC 41), which is attributed to Old English religious scholar Bede. The author claims that marginal runic scripts offer insight into Old English scribal practice and politics in the manuscript's ...
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[MS-TMPLDISC]: Template Discovery Web Service Protocol [MS-TMPLDISC]: Template Discovery Web Service Protocol 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1.1 Glossary 1.2 References 1.2 References 1.2.1 Normative References 1.2.2 Informative References 1.3 Protocol Overview (Synopsis) 1.4 Relationship to Other Pro...
[MS-WMSP]: Windows Media HTTP Streaming Protocol [MS-WMSP]: Windows Media HTTP Streaming Protocol 1 Introduction 2 Messages 3 Protocol Details 4 Protocol Examples 4 Protocol Examples 4.1 Server States in Non-Pipelined Mode 4.2 Server States in Pipelined Mode 4.3 Packet-Pair Bandwidth Estim...
Learn 登入 Windows Protocols Technical Documents Technical Documents [MS-BDSRR]: Business Document Scanning: Scan Repository Capabilities and Status Retrieval Protocol [MS-BDSRR]: Business Document Scanning: Scan Repository Capabilities and Status Retrieval Protocol ... Cache-Control 發行項 2019/02/15 意見反應 The Cache-Control header field is defined only for use in responses sent to a client; However, the header is not used by clients that implement the Windows Media HTTP Push Distribution Protocol....
NFSv4.1/pNFS client for Windows 7 developed by CITI, UMICH. - cygwin,daemon,sys: Handle NFSv4 "disk full" (full, quota, file to lar… · kofemann/ms-nfs41-client@9263286