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Aweb browser requestordoes is not required to understand any protocol-specific data for the correct operation of the protocol. It MUST be able to support HTTP query string and POST body parameterization. To provide the best end-user experience, it SHOULD<85>be able to support HTTP cookies (fo...
>>>if I type "msbuild" or "msbuild.exe" in the CMD or Powershell, in an arbitrary directory, it says... That because MSBuild is a external command, can not be recognized by Windows in an arbitrary directory, you should type the "MSBuild" or "MSBuild.exe" inthe path where M...
质谱是药物代谢研究中用到的一个关键性分析工具,因为它可以识别代谢物,确定代谢发生的位点。液相色谱与质谱联用(LC-MS/MS)法因为灵敏度高和分析复杂混合物的能力,已经成为代谢鉴定的特别技术。 通常在开发针对任一疾病的新药时,要对数量有限的临床前候选药物进行更...
[MS-MWBF]: Microsoft Web Browser Federated Sign-On Protocol [MS-MWBF]: Microsoft Web Browser Federated Sign-On Protocol 1 Introduction 2 Messages 3 Protocol Details 3 Protocol Details 3.1 Common Details for Requestor IP/STS and Relying Party Roles 3.2 Requestor IP/STS Details 3.3 Relying Party...
[MS-MWBF]: Microsoft Web Browser Federated Sign-On Protocol [MS-MWBF]: Microsoft Web Browser Federated Sign-On Protocol 1 Introduction 2 Messages 3 Protocol Details 3 Protocol Details 3.1 Common Details for Requestor IP/STS and Relying Party Roles 3.2 Requestor IP/STS Details 3.3 Relying Party...
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