MS-16J51内屏不显示,外屏正常,U20 为屏3v供电转换芯片。 1脚vin 3v 3脚开启 有南桥...
型号:V星 MS-16J5 版号:MS-16J51 故障:大短路,经上家维修过,未排除短路;后拿止我上班的...
Compatible Brand MSI Model Number PE60 6QD GL62 GE62 GE72 PE70 Brand Name OLOPKYView more DescriptionReport Item Notice! ! ! (Instructions before ordering) 1. Please first confirm whether your old motherboard model is suitable for the motherboard in this link (you can send us a picture ...
1. Check the appearance, such as turps, dust, tin soldering or other dirty mark on board. 2. Check whether lack of electronic insulation gummed paper. 3. Check whether lacks of fittings, rust, rot, heat elimination chassis. 4. Check internal and external connector of LCD display , Two me...
works perfectly: This excellent view hardware is the perfect solution to replace your broken or old, you can use them on a computer or laptop. Reviews Due to our system upgrades, this content is currently unavailable in your region.
机器型号:MS-16J51 VER:1.0 机器故障:按下开机屏幕不亮,电流0.5A左右掉电 故障描述:客户说自己...
View more DescriptionReport Item Specifications: Onboard Memory: no Support Screen Size: other Memory Type: DDR4 Memory Size: 2g Part Number: MS-16J51 With CPU: yes Chipset: HM170 Graphics Card Type: Non-Integrated-NVDIA Onboard SSD: no Features: **Optimized Performance for Gaming and ...
13 sr2c4坏的真的特别多,我也遇到好多次 对的 这个型号的桥确实问题多