MS-110 Chaika is a mobile suit that only appears in the Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta manga by Kazuhisa Kondo. One such unit is piloted by Haman Karn. A mass production machine of the Axis Zeon, it is armed with a knuckle buster-type weapon similar to the AMX-
高达WIKI>全机体资料>其他作品(U.C.系列)机体>MS-110柴喀 柴喀的介绍 柴喀 MS-110 柴喀(Chaika)是一款由哈曼·卡恩试驾的MS,配备了与AMX-003加撒C相似的指关节破坏型武器,同时也是一年战争后阿克西斯开发的第一款MS。 基本概要 [编辑] 机体型号MS-110中文名称柴喀 ...