['paragraphStyle', 'blockquote'], ['bold', 'underline', 'align', 'strike', 'subscript', 'superscript', 'horizontalRule', 'list'], ['table', 'link', 'image'], ['align', 'horizontalRule', 'list', 'lineHeight'], ['codeView'] ], placeholder: 'Start typing something...' }); ...
This Word tutorial explains how to create a subscript value in Word 2007 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).See solution in other versions of Word: Word 2010 Question: In Word 2007, how do I convert text to subscript?
2.1.1706 Part 1 Section, sub (Subscript (Pre-Sub-Superscript)) Article 02/21/2024 2 contributors Feedback For additional notes that apply to this portion of the standard, please see the notes for oMath, § a. The standard says sub only specifies the subscript ...
This Word tutorial explains how to create a subscript value in Word 2010 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).See solution in other versions of Word: Word 2007 Question: In Word 2010, how do I convert text to subscript?
2.1.347 Part 3 Section 14.6 (MathML 2.0 Section 3.4.3), Subscript-superscript Pair (msubsup) 2.1.348 Part 3 Section 14.6 (MathML 2.0 Section 3.4.4), Underscript (munder) 2.1.349 Part 3 Section 14.6 (MathML 2.0 Section 3.4.5), Overscript (mover) 2.1.350 Part 3 Section 14.6 ...
2.1.484 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.3, Subscript-superscript Pair (msubsup) 2.1.485 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.4, Underscript (munder) 2.1.486 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.5, Overscript (mover) 2.1.487 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.6, Underscript-overscript Pair (munderover) 2.1.488 MathML...
2.1.483 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.2, Superscript (msup) 2.1.484 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.3, Subscript-superscript Pair (msubsup) 2.1.485 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.4, Underscript (munder) 2.1.486 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.5, Overscript (mover) 2.1.487 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.6, Unde...
2.1.1701 Part 1 Section, sPre (Pre-Sub-Superscript Object) 2.1.1702 Part 1 Section, sSub (Subscript Object) 2.1.1703 Part 1 Section, sSubSup (Sub-Superscript Object) 2.1.1704 Part 1 Section, sSup (Superscript Object) 2.1.1705 Part ...
2.1.483 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.2, Superscript (msup) 2.1.484 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.3, Subscript-superscript Pair (msubsup) 2.1.485 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.4, Underscript (munder) 2.1.486 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.5, Overscript (mover) 2.1.487 MathML 2.0, Section 3.4.6, Under...
Aspose.Words 是一种高级Word文档处理API,用于执行各种文档管理和操作任务。API支持生成,修改,转换,呈现和打印文档,而无需在跨平台应用程序中直接使用Microsoft Word。此外, Aspose API支持流行文件格式处理,并允许将各类文档导出或转换为固定布局文件格式和最常用的图像/多媒体格式。 ---Aspose技术交流群(761297826...