splfUnknownWord 0xC Specifies that the text range contains a word that is unknown to the language checker. It is an error. A - fError (1 bit):The range is an error. This bit MUST be set when thesplfvalue issplfErrorMin,splfRepeatWord, orsplfUnknownWord. It can also be set when the...
A formatter is specified as follows: {input_number|format:[format]:[separators]:[currency_symbol]} where: [format] is a supported number format [separators] (optional) is a 2 character string. The first character indicates the decimal separator, the second character indicates the comma separator...
2.9.172 OfficeArtWordDrawing 2.9.173 PANOSE 2.9.174 PapxFkp 2.9.175 PapxInFkp 2.9.176 PbiGrfOperand 2.9.177 Pcd 2.9.178 Pcdt 2.9.179 PChgTabsAdd 2.9.180 PChgTabsDel 2.9.181 PChgTabsDelClose 2.9.182 PChgTabsOperand 2.9.183 PChgTabsPapxOperand ...
2.1.397 Part 1 Section, decimalSymbol (Radix Point for Field Code Evaluation) 2.1.398 Part 1 Section, defaultTableStyle (Default Table Style for Newly Inserted Tables) 2.1.399 Part 1 Section, defaultTabStop (Distance Between Automatic Tab Stops) 2.1.400 Part...
2.1.397 Part 1 Section, decimalSymbol (Radix Point for Field Code Evaluation) 2.1.398 Part 1 Section, defaultTableStyle (Default Table Style for Newly Inserted Tables) 2.1.399 Part 1 Section, defaultTabStop (Distance Between Automatic Tab Stops) 2....
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P A - reserved1 (1 bit):Undefined and MUST be ignored. B - fDefHandler (1 bit):If this bit is 1, then the application MUST assume that this...
In today’s article, you’ll learn how to use some keyboard shortcuts plus other methods to type the Box Symbol (text - ☐) in MS Word/Excel using either Windows
To type the X in a Box Symbol on Mac, press Option + 2612 shortcut on your keyboard. For Windows users, simply press down one of the Alt keys and type 9746 using the numeric keypad, then let go of the Alt key. Note: These shortcuts can work only on MS Word. The below table co...
2.1.397 Part 1 Section, decimalSymbol (Radix Point for Field Code Evaluation) 2.1.398 Part 1 Section, defaultTableStyle (Default Table Style for Newly Inserted Tables) 2.1.399 Part 1 Section, defaultTabStop (Distance Between Automatic Tab Stops) 2.1....
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