We can look at ourselves naked in the bathroom mirror and shout it at the tops of our lungs, and we can usually manage it if someone asks us whether we want a fried egg on our hamburger, but barring those simple examples the word becomes more and more difficult to say. But it’s no...
Aunt Esther, my last remaining close relation on my mother’s side. She was my Step-Great-Grandmother’s niece and my mother’s godmother. I was unable to get to the funeral and still ponder how the year would have been different if I had made it down as I would not have been trave...
His funeral took place at home and he was buried as George Speck at the family plot in Malta Ridge Cemetery. [235] Headlines from obituaries in various newspapers. Word of George’s death was carried in papers around the country, and many of the obituaries included not only stories about t...
to understand what he was going through. ‘Cancer’ was just a word – mind you a scary word. If I’d got hold of Piper’s book and given it to my father back then, it would have been rather academic, simply