Collations that are used with character data types, such as char and varchar, dictate the code page and corresponding characters that can be represented for that data type.Whether you're installing a new instance of SQL Server, restoring a database backup, or connecting server to client ...
One option would be to just remove the mapping from .cs and .vb files to the HttpForbiddenHandler HTTP handler. (This could be done for the entire development server by modifying the machine.config file, or on an application-by-application basis by using a <remove> element in the <http...
requiring only one stroke drawn over a word or letter to perform the scratch-out gesture. Windows Journal uses the three-stroke method to allow users the option to either draw one or two strokes through an entry while retaining the original ink, or to draw three strokes to remove the origin...
Document– Each document in Microsoft Word is essentially a new file. Each document can be several pages long. A new document can be created by hitting Control-N or Command-N, or by choosing the “New Blank Document” option from the File menu or the standard toolbar. Edit– The edit m...
Customer acceptance.While the Company performs extensive usability and beta testing of new products, user acceptance and corporate penetration rates ultimately dictate the success of development and marketing efforts. Product ship schedules.Delays in new-product releases impact revenue growth rates and can...
Your room layout or personal preference will dictate which installation location you select. Take into consideration the size and position of your screen, the location of a suitable power outlet, as well as the location and distance between the projector and the rest of your equipment. Positioning...
“It matters,” Qui-Gon said quietly. “It matters which side we choose. Even if there will never be more light than darkness. Even if there can be no more joy in the galaxy than there is pain. For every action we undertake, for every word we speak, for every life we touch – it...
UsingGetDIBitsis more complex because the application can choosewhat kindof DIB to generate. The size of the source bitmap regulates the DIB's dimensions (a piece can be extracted by blting into a smaller bitmap), but the application's need can dictate the color resolution. ...
However, document type as specified in the metatable does not dictate file type. A "report" type document might be a PRG, which called a query dialog box and then ran a report based on the results.The Application Builder creates and edits metatable records when you use the Builder to add...
You can expand storage on existing nodes and expand your cluster by adding more storage-intensive nodes as your business requirements dictate, eliminating the need to purchase large amounts of storage before you need it. Fast, Space-Efficient Clones In the Cisco HyperFlex HX Data Platform, ...