在MS 的网站上发现了一个挺不错的小东西: MS Web Application Stress Tool (was) 。这是一个 web 应用压力测试工具。它是免费的,这一点很重要,否则 MS 的版权大棒又要来了。 如今B/S 结构横行,基于浏览器的应用多如恒河沙数。我们也投入了太多的时间在 web 技术上,我们努力提高开发效率,花大量时间研究各...
在MS的网站上发现了一个挺不错的小东西:MS Web Application Stress Tool (was)。这是一个web应用压力测试工具。它是免费的,这一点很重要,否则MS的版权大棒又要来了。 如今B/S结构横行,基于浏览器的应用多如恒河沙数。我们也投入了太多的时间在web技术上,我们努力提高开发效率,花大量时间研究各种脚本,轻量级框架...
在该窗口中你可以随意操作你的 web 程序,把要测试的模块都跑到。完成之后直接关闭 IE ,然后点击 ”stop recording” ,一个测试脚本就完成了,实在够傻瓜,不愧是 MS 的东西啊,体贴我这类懒人。 展开刚建好的测试,选择 ”setting” ,指定 Stress level(threads) 的值,同时连接 server 的并发数。 Ok ,选择菜单:...
Web Application Stress Tool Web Capacity Analysis Tool WFetch An IIS Web application can be written using code optimization techniques, debugged at compile time and run time, configured in IIS to run as fast as possible, and have its security tested by a hacker friend, but there is no wa...
Source code for qqq.exe, a command-line tool for stress testing an ASP.NET application. When used in combination with a stress client, such as Microsoft® Application Center Test (ACT), this tool will attach debuggers to the worker process and monitor certain performance counters. It can ...
The Web Application Stress Tool activates the testing environment by realistically simulating multiple browsers requesting pages from a Web application and allows you to record a script by accessing, from your browser, the pages you want to include in the test. This script can then be saved and ...
Tip 26: Tune Your Web Server Tip 27: Do Performance Testing Tip 28: Read the Resource LinksIntroductionPerformance is a feature. You need to design for performance up front, or you get to rewrite your application later on. That said, what are some good strategies for maximizing the performan...
Test ASP.NET Applications and Web Services by Using the Web Application Stress Tool The Web Application Stress (WAS) tool is useful for testing Web application performance and scalability. You can use this tool for both ASP.NET Web applications and Web services. However, there are differences in...
The multiple-choice format of these exams is not easy for most candidates and can cause them mental stress and difficulty understanding the test objective and answering the question correctly. MS-500 Dumps are commonly used to assist candidates in their preparation for the certification exams. The ...
To tailor and run the test workload, consider using the handy ostress.exe tool. For more information, see [In-memory sample in Azure SQL Database](in-memory-oltp-sample.md?view=azuresql-db&preserve-view=true). To minimize network latency, run your test in the same Azure geographic regio...