SetStateEvent: True PATCH /msdyn_pminferredtasks(msdyn_pminferredtaskid)Update the statecode and statuscode properties. SetStateRequest ShareEvent: False Share Learn to use messages with the SDK for .NET UpdateEvent: True PATCH /msdyn_pminferredtasks(msdyn_pminferredtaskid)See Update Update ...
ViewShowSchedule ViewShowSelectedTasks ViewShowUnitAvailability ViewShowWork ViewShowWorkAvailability VisualReports VisualReportsEdit VisualReportsNewTemplate VisualReportsSaveCube VisualReportsSaveDatabase VisualReportsView WBSCodeMaskEdit WBSCodeRenumber WebAddToFavorites WebCopyHyperlink WebGoBack WebGoForwa...
Hello, I had to change our Project management to MS Planner recently, and I have to say, that I am incredibly astonished about the poorness of the user interface and functionality. It seems, tha...
My university got hacked and therefore we need a quick workflow which allows us to collect the requirements of a few hundred teachers and then tranfering these requirements as tasks into MS Planner, so a small Team can process them. Whats the best way to do this?...
The ultimate compatibility tool, Viewers allow users who do not have Office to view and print Office documents. Although they cannot create or edit files, Viewer users can accomplish specific tasks such as following hyperlinks, using the various views in the Microsoft Word Viewer, showing a presen...
Office is a flexible and robust tool for creating content in either Office application formats or in HTML. The following table summarizes common business tasks that you might perform on an intranet and shows whether you would use HTML or Office document formats or both. ...
Help users complete tasks in less time and with less effort. Create and manage intranet content and work with intranet data. Make Office easier to set up, configure, and support. Improved Software Administration For a large organization, the decision to upgrade or switch software is based primari...
April, Microsoftannouncedthat the existing Planner app in Microsoft Teams will become the new Tasks app. The new Tasks experience in Teams provides a new unified view of both personal and assigned tasks within Teams. It consolidates tasks across Microsoft To Do, Teams channels, Planner and ...
She will probably give you a few tips in the process that will help you save tons of time on other tasks you didn't even know you could improve on! Overall, working with Connie was a great learning experience and the investment has paid for itself ten times over with all the efficiency...
Planning a Microsoft Teams Environment and Configuring It The starting domain concerns upgrading to Microsoft Teams from Skype for Business. The tasks include choosing a proper path for upgrading and the mode for coexistence to satisfy specific requirements, planning and troubleshooting meeting migration,...