Anyone know how to use MS Authenticator Code in a programmatic way to authenticate users. Here is the scenario:User calls helpdesk on resetting...
Outlook exports aTRANSPproperty set to "OPAQUE" for aCalendar object's"Busy", "Tentative", and "Out of Office" states. Outlook exports aTRANSPproperty set to "TRANSPARENT" for a Calendar object's "Free" state. On import, Outlook ignores theTRANSPproperty if anX-MICRO...
Update explainer with interrupted state info (#882) Oct 4, 2024 ImageResource-color_scheme Remove mentions ofpreference(#335) Jun 4, 2020 IndexedDbGetAllEntries Initial commit (#901) Oct 30, 2024 InstallTimePermissionsPrompt Making some updates to the First-run Permissions explainer (#536) ...
publicvoidSetServiceState(Boolean EnableWindowsService, Boolean EnableWebService, Boolean EnableReportManager,outInt32 HRESULT); parameters EnableWindowsService 指示Windows 服务状态的Boolean值。 true值开始报表服务器 Windows 服务。 false值停止 Windows 服务。
VoicemailNotificationChannelState WebsiteDataKind WifiSleepPolicy Android.Renderscripts Android.Runtime Android.Sax Android.SE.Omapi Android.Security Android.Security.Identity Android.Security.Keystore Android.Service.Assist.Classification Android.Service.Autofill Android.Service.Carrier Android.Service... createTimeStamp modifyTimeStamp primaryGroupToken entryTTL msDS-NCReplInboundNeighbors, msDS-NCReplCursors, msDS-ReplAttributeMetaData, msDS-ReplValueMetaData msDS-NCReplOutboundNeighbors msDS-Approx-Immed-...
The specified named pipe is in the connected state. 0xC00000B3 STATUS_PIPE_LISTENING The specified named pipe is in the listening state. 0xC00000B4 STATUS_INVALID_READ_MODE The specified named pipe is not in message mode. 0xC00000B5 STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT {Device Timeout} The specified I/O...
(UOWID, XID, state, log data) for all DRDA sessions. When a DRDA session ends with an in-doubt transaction, DRDA Service requests that DRDA Client resynchronize the logs. And when DRDA Service starts up and finds in-doubt transactions in the log, DRDA S...
The connection terminated or is in a bogus state and can no longer be used. Other connections are still valid. 0x80010007 RPC_E_SERVER_DIED The callee (the server, not the server application) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call might have executed. 0x80...