ms-DFSR-Schedule ms-DFSR-StagingCleanupTriggerInPercent ms-DFSR-StagingPath ms-DFSR-StagingSizeInMb ms-DFSR-TombstoneExpiryInMin ms-DFSR-Version ms-DFS-Schema-Major-Version ms-DFS-Schema-Minor-Version ms-DFS-Short-Name-Link-Path-v2 ms-DFS-Target-List-v2 ms-DFS-Ttl-v2 ms-DNS-DNSKEY-...
synapselinkexternaltablestate synapselinkprofile synapselinkprofileentity synapselinkprofileentitystate synapselinkschedule SyncError SystemForm SystemUser Task Team teammobileofflineprofilemembership TeamTemplate Template Territory Theme TimeZoneDefinition TimeZoneLocalizedName TimeZoneRule TraceLog TransactionCurrency T...
Synapse Link Profile Entity State (synapselinkprofileentitystate) Synapse Link Schedule (synapselinkschedule) Sync Error (SyncError) System Chart (SavedQueryVisualization) System Form (SystemForm) System Job (AsyncOperation) SystemUserAuthorizationChangeTracker Table Permission (mspp_entitypermi...
PjScheduleProjectFrom PjServerPage PjServerVersionInfo PjShape PjSpellingField PjStatusType PjSubscribeAction PjSubscribeFormat PjSummaryCalc PjTaskFixedType PjTaskLinkType PJTaskOutlineShowLevel PjTaskTimescaledData PjTaskWarnings PjTeamPlannerStyle PjTeamStatusCompletedWork PjTextFileOrigin PjTextItem PjThem...
One or more of the properties that are needed to run this task on a schedule have not been set. 0x00041306 SCHED_S_TASK_TERMINATED The last run of the task was terminated by the user. 0x00041307 SCHED_S_TASK_NO_VALID_TRIGGERS Either the task has no triggers, or the existing tri...
[ERROR] RUNTIME(52862,python):2024-04-17-11:18:45.412.276 []52862 HandleMsgInHostBuf:[COMP][DEFAULT] DEVICE[0] PID[52862]: EXCEPTION STREAM: Exception info:TGID=52862, model id=13, stream id=41, stream phase=SCHEDULE ...
One or more of the properties that are needed to run this task on a schedule have not been set. 0x00041306 SCHED_S_TASK_TERMINATED The last run of the task was terminated by the user. 0x00041307 SCHED_S_TASK_NO_VALID_TRIGGERS Either the task has no triggers, or the existing tri...
Deploys to a single instance. For example when an instance comes online tools like puppet can instruct a remote Jenkins instance to schedule a build to deploy a set of modules to the newly created instance. This mojo ignoresdeploy.activeTarget ...
INI CET Exam 2024 Articles /Uncategorized 27Aug NEET PG 2024: Registration, Exam Date, Registration Process, Syllabus & Pattern NEET PG 27Aug AIAPGET 2024: Eligibility, Exam Date, Application Process & Syllabus Articles 11Sep NEET PG Counselling 2024-25: Check The Schedule (Out) ...
As we discussed in our previous blog, DEV-0343 operators’ ‘pattern of life’ is consistent with the working schedule of actors based in Iran. DEV-0343 operator activity peaked Sunday through Thursday between 04:00:00 and 16:00:00 UTC. ...