The status message (and @@ROWCOUNT) told me 8 rows were affected, but nothing was actually deleted; when I ran a SELECT with the same criteria as the DELETE, all 8 rows are still there. So, once more I tried the DELETE command. This time it told me 7 rows were affected; ...
TOP 120 /*Return the top 120 rows of the result set. */ TOP 15 PERCENT /* Return the top 15% of the result set. */. 如果一个 SELECT 语句既包含 TOP 又包含 ORDER BY 子句,那么返回的行将会从排序后的结果集中选择。整个结果集按照指定的顺序建立并且返回排好序的结果集的前n行。 限制结果集...
42. 查看当前最耗资源的10个SQL及其spid SELECT TOP 10 session_id,request_id,start_time AS '开始时间',status AS '状态', command AS '命令',d_sql.text AS 'sql语句', DB_NAME(database_id) AS '数据库名', blocking_session_id AS '正在阻塞其他会话的会话ID', wait_type AS '等待资源类型',...
环境: MSSQL 2008, 都在没有使用缓存的情况下面执行 表中有8W 条记录 分类1有134条记录 分别测试了3个语句 --Aselect字段1from表1WHEREFtype='分类1'ORDER BY 字段1 --BselectTop1字段1from表1WHEREFtype='分类1'Orderby字段1desc--CselectMAX(字段1)from表1WHEREFtype='分类1' A 语句 很快几乎0秒...
记一个常见的ms sql server中取第N条记录的方法 前言 好好学习,天天向上。 正文 好像也是一个不难的问题,刚视频里看到的,就记一下吧。 下面是表中原始的数据结构,做了一个倒叙排序: 代码语言:javascript 复制 select*from Employee order by Salary desc...
If you plan to work with large amount of rows, you should always use streaming. Once you enable this, you must listen for events to receive data. const sql = require('mssql') sql.connect(config, err => { // ... error checks const request = new sql.Request() = tru...
Subclause 6.28, "<numeric value function>": <max cardinality expression> ::= ARRAY_MAX_CARDINALITY <left paren> <array value expression> <right paren> ... Conformance Rules: Without Feature S403, "ARRAY_MAX_CARDINALITY", conforming SQL language shall not contain <max cardinality expres...
简介:MSSQL之十一 数据库高级编程总结(上) 视频课 一. SQL Server数据库命名规范 数据库命名规范: 1. 数据库名: 1.1)用产品或项目的名字命名; 1.2)Pascal Case,如AdventureWork; 1.3)避免使用特殊字符,如数字,下划线,空格之类; ...
TopMargin 2.23.40 Tablix.Visibility 2.23.41 Tablix.Width 2.23.42 Tablix.ZIndex 2.24 TablixBody 2.25 TablixColumns 2.26 TablixColumn 2.27 TablixRows 2.28 TablixRow 2.29 TablixCells 2.30 TablixCell 2.31 CellContents 2.32 TablixColumnHierarchy 2.33 TablixMembers 2.34 TablixMember 2.35 TablixHeader 2.36 ...