The SUBSTRING function is used to extract a part of a string. This function is available in both MS SQL Server and MySQL. The MySQL SUBSTRING function provides more functionality than MS SQL Server SUBSTRING function. In MySQL you can also use SUBSTR function which is Synonym for SUBSTRING fun...
截取conDate字段,从第一个字符开始截取,截取四个字符。 3、 sql函数subString(),charindex()联合使用: select * from contribution where convert(int,substring(conDate,charindex('-',conDate)+1,4))>2012 找到conDate段中"-"的位置,然后从该位置开始,截取4个字符串,然后转换为int,和2012比较大小。 ——— 版...
首先,让我们从一个简单的示例开始,使用substring函数提取字符串中的一部分内容。假设我们有一个字符串“Hello, World!”,我们想要提取出其中的“World!”。我们可以使用substring函数来实现这个目标。下面是一个示例: sql SELECT SUBSTRING('Hello, World!', 8, 6) AS Result; 这条SQL语句将返回“World!”作为结...
Applies to:SQL Server Returns part of the value of$sourceString, starting at the position indicated by the value of$startingLoc,and continues for the number of characters indicated by the value of$length. Syntax Copy fn:substring($sourceString as xs:string?, $startingLoc as xs:decimal?) as...
这里需要用到了,mssql 中的Convert(),getdate(),substring()函数,然而substring应用于能允许的类型为: char/varchar、nchar/nvarchar 和 binary/varbinary,而数据类型 datetime 对于函数 substring 无效。因此,你必须将时间类型数据格式转换成字符串,那Convert函数就派上用场了,Convert(varchar,GetDate(),120)此函数...
SQL Server: SUBSTRING( ) SQL 中的 substring 函数是用来截取一个栏位资料中的其中一部分。 例如,我们需要将字符串'abdcsef'中的‘abd'给提取出来,则可用substring 来实现: select substring('abdcsef',1,3) 结果: 'abd' 括号中数字‘1'表示截取的起始位置是从该字符串第一个字符开始,‘3'表示截取后得到...
subject string> [ FROM <start position> ] [ USING <char length units> ] [ OCCURRENCE <regex occurrence> ] [ GROUP <regex capture group> ] <right paren> ... Conformance Rules Without Feature F844, "SUBSTRING_REGEXP", conforming SQL language shall not contain <regex substring functi...
Returns part of a character, binary, text, or image expression. For more information about the valid SQL Server data types that can be used with this function, seeData Types (Transact-SQL). Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions Syntax SUBSTRING (value_expression ,start_expression ,length_expression )...
The fn:substring function is supported by XQuery in SQL Server with a variation. The W3C specification [XQuery1.0XPath2.0/2] specifies that the second argument, $startingLoc, and the third argument, $length, are of type xs:double, but XQuery in SQL Server specifies arguments of type ...
SQL SELECTname,SUBSTRING(name,1,1)ASInitial,SUBSTRING(name,3,2)ASThirdAndFourthCharactersFROMsys.databasesWHEREdatabase_id <5; 结果集如下。 name初始ThirdAndFourthCharacters 主mst tempdbtmp 模型mde msdbmdb 以下示例说明如何显示字符串常量abcdef中的第二个、第三个和第四个字符。